There were a few interesting posts in the last couple of days making the link between child rape/sodomy and programming/MKUltra activity.
This link has some of the material: http://
The suggestion is that that act of sodomising a human triggers a form or mental 'reset mode' that allows different personalities to be loaded.
How about this as a mad theory:
>the human body is a device, like a computer or phone, but it's a bio-device
>our consciousness is a form of software running on this device
>like a computer or phone, the entity that designed our 'device' included a literal 'backdoor' to allow reprogramming or to enter body developer mode. Think about holding multiple keys to boot into safe mode on your phone or a Ctrl+Alt+Del on an PC. It's a set of actions designed to not be triggered accidentally, but it's there as a function if required.
>The Cabal has hacked this functionality to allow them to control people.