Londonfag here. You've got it anon.
I don't think it's there anon. That's a closed street. No buses go down it. Not many people even walk down that street.
I think you're all over thinking it. The X could be the Cross for Charing Cross. Where the picture was taken. If I had to go on my instincts I would look to Cleopatra's needle, which is on the other side of the bridge. Despite what the meme says the Obelisk isn't in the city of London it is in front of the Savoy Hotel as it is associated with the House of Savoy. Genoa/Geneva. https://
Notice who the owner of the hotel was. Lot's of symbolism around there anons. For example, the Playboy mansion in LA is on Charing Cross Road.
Either that or it could be in front of Charing Cross station on the Strand or at Trafalgar Square. My mind goes back to the U2 concert in Trafalgar Square a couple of months ago. See picture. Just my instincts.