Here is something we should all get out there as well…BUT..no one knows this yet!!!
You have a system that is NO JOKE, your master regulatory system..it is that important!! It was discovered in 1994 and it is NOT taught at most major Universities…now why would that be?
When I name the system it will trigger you…but it is an internal system like your endorphin system or your endocrine system…however, it sits above all your neurology…it sits above all function..and it is the ONLY system which can control from the hypothalamus to every single cell in the body…
You know how it is kind of important to identify when we developed things? Like legs? Or lungs? Or blood vessels? Or a stomach? Or a brain? Well long before we developed ANY of those things, we developed this MAJOR system. In fact, the common ancestor here is the sea squirt…from the sea squirt insects went one way, and everything else went another. We share this MAJOR system with every other mammal, reptile, bird, fish, etc on the planet!
What is this system? Something called your endocannabinid system!!! AND it has NOTHING to do with cannabis, other than that was the substance used to discover it! Cannabis is to the endocannabinoid like morphine is to the endophin…this MAJOR internal system has internal chemical mediators (anandamide and 2-AG) it uses to balance all major and minor functions in the body either directly or in-directly..
Further, the endocannabinoid system (your master regulatory) is a resources driven system. It is always trying to balance you and to achieve homeostasis..but has to have the neccessary resources to do so! So where do these resources come from? They come from our FOOD! Further, by eating the right things (or supplementing) one can influence this system!
We BADLY need a new food pyramid (cube more likely) and we BADLY need to begin educating folks about this major and very important system….it is 100% the key to health…
With this knowledge…easy to heal and easy to hurt…from my perspective this knowledge has been used to vector/weaponize food…
We can do the same thing in a healthy weapon as well!