I do not think Melania is susceptible to that, but then highly religious.
If TRUMP tapped that he's my Hero. At least he's not tapping and murdering little boys like his accusers.
I do not think Melania is susceptible to that, but then highly religious.
If TRUMP tapped that he's my Hero. At least he's not tapping and murdering little boys like his accusers.
He was going to spill the beans. See all the people being paid money to make false accusations, LEARN.
MS13>[Mafia]>CIA This should be the real KILL CHAIN!
The Mafia IS the illegal Domestic Arm of the CIA.
This is the foot that sits on the threats of Americans.
No negotiation: Total Submission or Total Annihilation
This is the Godfather Part III
Italian Mafia (LCN) controls, the CIA has no Domestic Charter. It's run Covertly using the Mafia as the Proxy.
I really could not say 100% certain that MS13 is run through them or not (there are plenty of Latin Based High Level Organized Crime). I think the CIA consolidated the Cartels and uses them to control a lot too.
Mafia Guys (LCN) are assets, make no mistake about what I am saying. These guys are a lot better and more honorable than our CIA Clowns.
However, they are extremely cunning powerful and dangerous. MI has plenty of influence in this space: Research Longshoreman during WWII where NI made a deal with them to protect the docs, also Italian Invasion.
https:// infamousnewyork.com/2014/04/25/operation-underworld-the-secret-alliance-between-the-navy-and-the-mafia-in-wwii/
This is for information and is not designed to cast shade on NI, all of our MI services are Golden in my book and always will be.
Back to my point, they (LCN) have been able to run relatively roughshod over everything under the Cuck Dems. That is changing now, they are also very much a part of the "Deep State" and have alot of stake. Most people would not understand this but they can provide a very valuable function in society, you could also easily argue that society would be better off without them. It really depends on them, and what effort you are willing to proctor their existance as they typically have no boundaries and will run amok if not regulated. They are Beautiful People when you see them in the right light, worthy of great respect.
You are left with a choice, I suspect TRUMP had already made this choice. However, a poorly regulated and monitored organized crime element is a severe detriment to The People. This may sound harsh but, they submit to a more honorable government or they cease to exist. No negociation, complete submission, they are all for one and one for all. If one screws TRUMP, take LCN completely down never to be allowed to return. If they harm POTUS, MI, Q(anons) KILL EVERY ONE of them (theres only a few hundred), if they respond kill their wives, their children, their children's children until none are left. You will save 1000x that many lives in the long run.
Keyser Sรถze.