Regarding Germany UN Migration Pact "new" Document
New document see previous bread/notable:
German-anon here.
I looked through the document for quite some time. Sorry if this contains typos.
I was able to find a few goodies.
Page 104
Also pic related
Like for example that Germany/Merkel is giving more and more money to UN, way way more than they are required to.
In 2014 it was 836 million EXTRA (required to pay: 680 million)
In 2015 it was around 1000 million EXTRA (required to pay: 751 million!)
In 2016 it was around 2300 million EXTRA (required to pay 960 million!)
In 2017 it was around 2700 million EXTRA (required to pay 724 million!)
And you know, right atm there are homeless people in this country, who are literally freezing to death, while at the same time more and more elderly people are getting less than 800 EUR pension per month and are walking around, going through public trash bins to collect glass bottles for some extra bucks.
In 2017 57% of that money went to "Humanitarian and disaster relief"
Sadly no more specifics like how much extra money was sent to whom.
Page 107
On page 107 it says that Germany was the SECOND most paying member of UN in the year 2016 regarding EXTRA payments (w/ 2,46 billions USD), so right after the United States (w/ 6,1 billions USD).
Great Britain spent 2,2 billions USD EXTRA. Japan 1,4 billions USD EXTRA.
Absolutely incredible.
Page 71
Regarding migration projects it says this:
(translated using deepl, some stuff is far too complicated for me to properly translate)
In 2016 and 2017, the Federal Government further intensified its cooperation with the UN organisations in the area of refugees and migration. To support refugees, migrants and internally displaced persons in countries of origin, transit and destination, the Federal Government has substantially supported the work of UN organisations active in this field.
On the basis of the New York UN Declaration of 19 September 2016, the Federal Government is also pressing ahead with the processes of drawing up a Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) and a Global Compact on Migration (GCM) in political, substantive, personnel and financial terms, thereby underlining its international shaping role in the area of flight and migration.
While the GCR aims at a fairer international division of responsibility in large refugee situations, the GCM is to become the basis for a globally managed, safe and regular migration.
Germany played an active role in shaping the two pacts by proposing texts.
Both pacts are conceived as legally non-binding, but politically binding.
The final text version of the GCM was officially handed over to the President of the General Assembly by the cofacilitators (Switzerland and Mexico) on 13 July 2018.
cont'd in part 2: