Anonymous ID: 09c880 Nov. 29, 2018, 2:42 p.m. No.4077750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7953 >>8186 >>8398

Ok Anons, I was looking at prior posts and trying to figure out how they came up with the information they did. In particular >>4071370


Anonymous 11/29/18 (Thu) 06:01:13 4408fe (21) No.4071370>>4071400



Q's tree date change on pic

File Inode Change Date/Time 2018:11:29 04:43:34-08:00


Then >>4071400 responded to him adding all the posts #4, #43 and #34 (see attached)


For Anons who don’t understand this, which is why I even looked into it, I’ll explain:


This original Anon right clicked the Xmas tree on POTUS’s tweet and looked at the “image info”. The timestamp is what he focused on (04:43:34). So, he pulled up the posts that relate to it (#4, #43 and #34).


So I did the same thing, looking for the image info on the original tweet, BUT it was modified once again (see attached – Timestamp is now November 29, 2018, 9:25:44 AM. The Posts that relate to those are now #9, #25 and #44. Of course I focused on #44 “Before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter. God bless.” He was supposed to be attending the G20 Summit but has cancelled it.


I think it could go down on Friday. It all seems to be coming together. POTUS has made it abundantly clear he feels certain bad actors should be imprisoned, the G20 Summit was cancelled, he has directed us to previous posts, which provide us with information we need to know when it all goes down, etc.


One more thing, the name of the Xmas Tree photo in the image info is

Anonymous ID: 09c880 Nov. 29, 2018, 2:58 p.m. No.4077919   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What Q posts could POTUS be pointing us to in these other images?






Looking at image info – Anon says this is Asia, should be revise the timestamp according to our time? But, where in Asia is this – many different time zones?