Anonymous ID: a9b5de Nov. 29, 2018, 2:44 p.m. No.4077763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7953 >>8147 >>8186 >>8398

>>4076267 Chongqing: HRC discussed the murder of American expat by Chinese official's wife


To add onto this notable - there are a bunch of HRC emails on WL about this notable, but I want to share some other highlights.


#1: An email regarding a press piece exploring the fact that Obama's biggest donors (called "bundlers") receive positions on advisory groups. HYATT HOTELS heiress PENNY PRITZKER served on Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Commission; logged over 50 visits to his WH; etc.


#2: Email regarding those pesky PDBs (presidential daily briefings). HRC is told that transport of the PDB (why?) to the St. Regis is "too difficult" although it's 2 blocks from the WH. Jake "suggests that [HRC} read it at the Grand Hyatt." Question we should be asking: was there a SCIF set up at the Grand Hyatt and if so, why? Dan Bongino's podcast has told us last week that a SCIF can take anywhere from 7-14 days to set up, even when temporary. (I can find the podcast if needed) The St. Regis is owned by Al Rayyan Tourism Investment Co. (ARTIC), a hotel and resort investment company based in Qatar, who shares its' only border with Saudi Arabia to the south.


#3: Jake Sullivan is "in office" at the Hyatt. So… Jake or HRC/State Dept had an office at the Hyatt. SCIF is likely.