Anonymous ID: bc8f4f Nov. 29, 2018, 2:42 p.m. No.4077749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7769

Does Benjamin Netanyahu Love America and Is Committed To Our People?


A lame Zionist Shill Subversive tactic is to keep posting a quote from Q re: "DIVIDED" , and a quote from POTUS that he "loves Israel".


*This is a weak ploy of appealing to sheep-must-follow-authority. That only works on NPC Libtards, but telling 8chan anons what to do is like trying to Herd Cats, or trying to Nail Jello to the Wall.

How's that workin' out for you?


*Q quote is distorted:

"They want you DIVIDED". (so ignore Zionist Cabal Crimes cause that will "divide" you- from what, the Truth?)

When In Fact:

Zionist Cabal Lies DIVIDE Americans

Truth About Zionist Cabal Crimes UNITES Americans

Keep in mind that some of these Zionist shills are Israelis.


(((They))) want you DIVIDED….. from the Truth about Zionist Cabal Crimes.


*"POTUS Loves Israel" Quote is used constantly to imply that We, the People must follow slavishly and "love Israel" too.

Good luck with that.


The condescension of the Zionist shills towards us is palpable because they are Professional Victims.


*Remember: The 5 Dancing Israelis are Heroes in Israel.