Anonymous ID: 0b4382 Nov. 29, 2018, 4:35 p.m. No.4079023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9055 >>9264


Relax, this is all a psyop to give joomer more cred on twatter have you not noticed a pattern yet?

They are suspending then reinstating all the Mossad shills, so they can continue to fake MAGA & lead the Normies away from the JQ after their followers go up, they then pied piper their sheep away from the real fuckery, jew fuckery, nnot to worry the lines will become clearer& clearer as Q drops more on the subject.

Watch who you follow has never been more crucial. Joomer's conflation that twatter is pro islam & anti Semitic is false, they just can't reveal that they are pro zionist yet, but Potus shitposts & expert twatter trolling will force them to, screencap this