Anonymous ID: 429fd9 Nov. 29, 2018, 4:44 p.m. No.4079119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9126 >>9134 >>9174

>'A picture is worth many sentences'

What about a picture with many sentences?

Here are 4 graphs based on 2 drops from Q (133 and 3) where he gave us a frame-word of how the cabal is organized.

If you deem it worth of notable listing I think a summary can be: "Introductory Graphs to Cabal the cabal triangle"


I tried to design the graphs in a way that they make sense when read in order:


Graph makes the connection between Israel and Pizzagate/Satanic sacrifice via the Epstein Israel temple colors and design, which lead me to realize that Israel and the Rothschild where connected by that data point too.


We start to explore the subversive 'jewish interest' groups that the zionists use to subvert the USA, in this graph I focus on NAACP, connected to a child porn trafficking case, where they defended a Chinese trafficker.


I cover ADL, another 'jewish interest' group, which is responsible for A LOT of the censorship on Social Media.


I cover AIPAC, which was recently exposed in the "The Lobby: USA" documentary, and the communist origin of the Israel first republican politicians we call Neoconservatives.



Anonymous ID: 429fd9 Nov. 29, 2018, 4:54 p.m. No.4079219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9229


The JQ thread has reached post limit, can't post there any more.

This one will lead to the UN, EU and Soros, and how they all push for Open Borders to facilitate trafficking, the more crime money is made, the more the Rothschild profit because all the money has to be laundered via their channels.

Those are the Eye of Providence, the federal bank network (includes BIS and IMF) of money channels that ALL cabal criminals use to launder their money.

The more crime, the more money to launder, the more profit the Cabal makes (Eye of Providence, Rothschild, Soros, and until recently, the previous Saudi Arabia administration, House of Saud, which was purged).

Anonymous ID: 429fd9 Nov. 29, 2018, 4:55 p.m. No.4079229   🗄️.is 🔗kun



BTW, the whole enchilada is connected to the JQ via the Rothschild and Israel, and all the religious psyops they use to engineer support for Israel (Scofield bible and the Evangelicals, for example).