Anonymous ID: 47935a Nov. 29, 2018, 3:54 p.m. No.4078589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8668

Opinion Editorial

Jordan Peterson has gained social traction by carefully studying a highly contested field, and crafting a tactic based on rigidly defined rules and regulations to effect a change that he argues is necessary.

That change is clearly against the will of the western educational and entertainment social institutions.

Also, the retarded Canadian governments.

Many people agree with Peterson, and support his efforts generously.

Notable efforts of his detractors include pitching loud and violent fits.

Conspiracy theorists suggest that he has unwittingly stumbled onto the battlefield on which intelligence warfare is being waged and started winning battles.

Muhjoofags say he's a crypto-joo.

I think he's a good teacher of a difficult subject for modern humans to grasp: old fashioned rhyme & reason.