Anonymous ID: 6ecae0 Nov. 29, 2018, 4:03 p.m. No.4078671   🗄️.is 🔗kun

just a reminder of how connected JE is to everything

wikipedia snapshot paints a coney island college dropout teaching calc and physics to the head guy at bear stearns son

Zuckerman partnership?

Boutique investment firm $1b and up?

check the law team, dershowitz? starr?

Starr even coming out pro trump

that is a bit confusing, my position is that they know epstein was a CI thus why he was able to get off on one count and plead not guilty

mueller was the fbi director while he was a CI, who knows where the bodies are buried?

muh trump isnt a prosecutor shilling, information is king, especially in the hands POTUS aka CIC

then zuckerman partnership? aka CNN?

this has a lot of connections

apropos it is getting traction again….right on time