Anonymous ID: e09cd4 Nov. 29, 2018, 3:55 p.m. No.4078595   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Putin Was To Get $50 Million Penthouse In Trump Tower Moscow; Michael Cohen And FBI Informant Negotiated Failed Deal


President Trump's ex-longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen worked with an FBI informant known as "The Quarterback" to negotiate a deal for Trump Tower Moscow during the 2016 US election, according to BuzzFeed News.


"The Quarterback," Felix Sater - a longtime FBI and CIA undercover intelligence asset who was busted running a $40 million stock scheme, leveraged his Russia connections to pitch the deal, while Cohen discussed it with Putin's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, according to BuzzFeed, citing two unnamed US law enforcement officials.


Sater told BuzzFeed News today that he and Cohen thought giving the Trump Tower’s most luxurious apartment, a $50 million penthouse, to Putin would entice other wealthy buyers to purchase their own. “In Russia, the oligarchs would bend over backwards to live in the same building as Vladimir Putin,” Sater told BuzzFeed News. “My idea was to give a $50 million penthouse to Putin and charge $250 million more for the rest of the units. All the oligarchs would line up to live in the same building as Putin.” A second source confirmed the plan. -BuzzFeed


The Trump Tower Moscow plan is at the center of Cohen's new plea agreement with Special Counsel Robert Mueller after he admitted to lying to congressional committees investigating Trump-Russia collusion.


According to the criminal information filed against Cohen Thursday, on Jan. 20, 2016 he spoke with a Russian government official, referred to only as Assistant 1, about the Trump Tower Moscow plan for 20 minutes. This person appears to be an assistant to Peskov, a top Kremlin official that Cohen had attempted to reach by email.


Cohen “requested assistance in moving the project forward, both in securing land to build the proposed tower and financing the construction,” the court document states.


Cohen had previously maintained that he never got a response from the official, but in court on Thursday he acknowledged that was a lie. -BuzzFeed


While the deal ultimately fizzled, "and it is not clear whether Trump knew of the intention to give away the penthouse," Cohen has said in court filings that Trump was regularly briefed on the Moscow negotiations along with his family.


Sater and Cohen "worked furiously behind the scenes into the summer of 2016 to get the Moscow deal finished," according to BuzzFeed - although it was claimed that the project was canned in January 2016, before Trump won the GOP nomination.


Sater, who has worked with the Trump organization on past deals, said that he came up with the Trump Tower Moscow idea, while Cohen - Sater recalled, said "Great idea."



Anonymous ID: e09cd4 Nov. 29, 2018, 4:01 p.m. No.4078656   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Houthis Destroy Saudi Vehicles With Iranian Copy Of TOW ATGM (Video)


On November 29, the media wing of the Houthis released a video showing Houthi fighters destroying two military vehicles of the Saudi military in the Kingdom’s southern province of Jizan with Iranian Toophan anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs). This is the first time the Iranian weapon is seen in the Yemeni battlefield.


I'm calling bullshit

Anonymous ID: e09cd4 Nov. 29, 2018, 4:07 p.m. No.4078725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8916

Head Of CA Democrats Resigns After Sexual Misconduct Allegations


On Thursday. the head of the California Democratic Party resigned after there were multiple claims of sexual misconduct made against him. Eric Bauman released a statement to the Los Angeles Times that said, “I have made the realization that in order for those to whom I may have caused pain and who need to heal, for my own health, and in the best interest of the party that I love and to which I have dedicated myself for more than 25 years, it is in everyone’s best interest for me to resign my position as chair of the California Democratic Party.”


According to The Sacramento Bee, “One of Bauman’s deputies, Daraka Larimore-Hall, initiated the process to remove him last week after hearing from individuals who said Bauman had sexually harassed and assaulted them at party events. By Monday, the party had launched an investigation into the complaints and Bauman took a leave of absence.”


On Wednesday, the Los Angeles Times reported that 10 party staff members and political activists reported Bauman had made vulgar sexual comments and participated in unwanted touching or physical intimidation in professional settings.


On Thursday, governor-elect Gavin Newsom said Bauman should resign. His spokesman Nathan Click stated, “Sexual harassment shouldn’t be tolerated — no person or party, no matter how powerful, is above accountability.” Newsom’s call for Bauman’s resignation was echoed by the gay rights group Equality California and California Democratic Party Secretary Jenny Bach.


The Bee reported that Spencer Dayton, a 21-year-old party delegate from Lodi, said Bauman groped him twice at party events, the first time at the May 2017 convention in Sacramento. Dayton said he wanted to question Bauman about his perspective on certain issues, but when he shook Bauman’s hand, Bauman yanked him closer and grabbed his penis. Dayton concluded, “It was very, very quick, but very intentional.”


The following November, at the party’s executive board meeting, Dayton said he wanted Bauman to support a resolution Dayton was going to offer, but Bauman put his arm over Dayton’s shoulder and “reached down and grabbed my butt and said, ‘Well, I’m going to have think about it.’” Dayton has retained a lawyer.


In 2017, Bauman won a hotly-contested race for the leadership of the California Democratic Party, defeating Kimberly Ellis by a bare 62 votes, 1,493 to 1,431. He had been the chairman of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party. After the election, Ellis questioned the legitimacy of the election and the review process after it, writing in a memo, “Based on the information contained here, the actual vote count is in question. It is believed that the wrong individual is serving as chair.”


Mike Roth, the incoming spokesman for the state Democratic Party, responded at the time, “From what we can tell at this point, it appears to be more unsubstantiated allegations and still no facts.”


Bauman tried to offer an olive branch, insisting that unity was vital so the state party could maintain its position as the “beating heart of the resistance.” He stated, “I am well aware that 49 percent of the delegates to the convention voted for Kimberly Ellis and that if we are to keep California the big blue beacon of hope and the beating heart of the resistance, those who have felt shut out of the process must have a true seat at the table. But I also know that doing so does not require burning down every institution and trashing those activists and volunteers who have given their blood, sweat and tears over the years to make the California Democratic Party the most successful Democratic Party anywhere in America.”

Anonymous ID: e09cd4 Nov. 29, 2018, 4:13 p.m. No.4078787   🗄️.is 🔗kun

25 Basic Life Skills That Should Be Taught In School (But Aren’t)


Think of the vast amount of time that students spend in school. But what do they come away knowing? They are taught very few life skills, so are they really prepared for the real world?


Here’s one of the glaring problems with public school: it’s designed to waste time.


Like a Weeping Angel from Doctor Who, school can zap your life away. It wouldn’t be half bad if you were being taught something useful. Sure, reading and math are important, but the bulk of those things can be taught in much shorter periods of time than are being utilized right now. Plus, reading skills are deteriorating and math was swallowed by Common Core.


Ideally, there would be myriad forms of trustworthy education that could suit any personality. And ideally many of these skills would be taught by family and imparted by experienced people – but that’s getting harder to do.


So in the list below, think of what it would be like if schools were ideal and actually preparing people to live meaningful lives.


Without further ado, here are…


25 Life Skills That Should Be Taught In School (But Aren’t):

Anonymous ID: e09cd4 Nov. 29, 2018, 4:35 p.m. No.4079024   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FF attempt??


Israeli Army Says Syrian Missile Fired at Golan Heights


The Syrian air force shot down a "hostile target" flying over the town of Kiswah, south of the capital Damascus, state media said. Saudi-owned TV station Al-Arabiya reported that Israeli planes attacked Iranian militia positions in the country's south.


State media quoted a military source but did not specify what the target was or where it came from. Syrian opposition sources on the ground said the area was close to where the Iranian-backed Lebanese Shi'ite group Hezbollah has a powerful presence with several bases.


The Israeli army said a missile was fired at the Golan Heights, but that it remains unclear whether the projectile fell in Israel. Troops are scanning the area. The army added that reports that Israeli aircraft was hit are incorrect.


The Israel Defence Forces said in a statement on Twitter: "In the course of Syrian ground-to-air missile fire, (Israel's) air defences sighted a single trajectory toward an open area of the Golan Heights."


"At this stage it remains unclear whether there was indeed an impact in our territory. Our forces are scouring the area. Furthermore, the report about a strike on an Israeli aircraft or an Israeli aerial target are bogus," said the statement.

Anonymous ID: e09cd4 Nov. 29, 2018, 4:42 p.m. No.4079103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9107 >>9152

Sen. Tim Scott announces opposition to judicial nominee Thomas Farr, effectively dooming confirmation


South Carolina Republican Sen. Tim Scott announced Thursday he will oppose embattled judicial nominee Thomas Farr, in an apparent reversal that seemingly ends the nominee's chances amid fierce criticism by civil rights groups.


Democratic lawmakers and civil rights groups such as the NAACP have long cited Farr's work on the campaigns of North Carolina Republican Sen. Jesse Helms in 1984 and 1990. Farr was first nominated to the federal court in the Eastern District of North Carolina by former President George W. Bush in 2006, but never received a confirmation vote.


Farr was specifically criticized at the time for allegedly working on the Helms campaign's behalf to distribute 120,000 postcards, primarily to black voters, to discourage voting, something he denied knowing anything about.


But a 1991 memo from the Department of Justice, unearthed this week, set the stage for Farr's latest troubles. The DOJ memo documented a meeting involving Farr and the Helms campaign in which Farr discussed the Republicans' so-called "ballot security” measures and reportedly said there was no need to send postcards because they would not help the campaign legally challenge voting figures.


Farr has also been a legal advocate for conservatives in defense of voter ID laws, leading Democrats to say he has not changed his tack..


“I am ready and willing to support strong candidates for our judicial vacancies that do not have lingering concerns about issues that could affect their decision-making process as a federal judge,” Scott said in a statement. “