Anonymous ID: e77d4f Nov. 29, 2018, 4:09 p.m. No.4078750   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4077451 (Notable from PB)


RE: Gulan / Harmony Schools


My son went through the Harmony system (in Texas) Grad '16 and did exceptionally well (High High SAT) .


The Turkish teachers in the Harmony system are very focussed on the male students education.


However my daughter's experience who left the Harmony system in '15 was completely different.


At some point the importing of Turkish "teachers" became convoluted.

May of the teachers assigned to certain science subjects didn't know squat about said subjects, and couldn't teach it properly. To the point where everyone in the class was failing. (my daughter is also very smart) They were importing family members through the visa system under the guise of being a "teacher" when they weren't.


In addition to that they also brought their cultural gender bias. Clothing was a huge issue IE only hands and you face could show. No ankle socks and on and on. They started doing morning inspections which actually seemed perverse. because male teachers were doing the "inspections".


I got her out of there soon after that and put her into college at 16. I couldn't bear to put her in public school…they are zoo's.