Anonymous ID: c6bd88 Nov. 29, 2018, 5:02 p.m. No.4079309   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NASA reveals 9 companies to compete for moon delivery contracts


NASA announced Thursday nine U.S. companies that can compete to deliver supplies for the agency's planned moon operation.


These companies are now are eligible to bid on "delivering science and technology payloads" to the lunar surface via Commercial Lunar Payload Services contracts, NASA said.


“Today’s announcement marks tangible progress in America’s return to the Moon’s surface to stay,” NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said in a statement. “The innovation of America’s aerospace companies, wedded with our big goals in science and human exploration, are going to help us achieve amazing things on the Moon and feed forward to Mars.”

Anonymous ID: c6bd88 Nov. 29, 2018, 5:03 p.m. No.4079330   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pilots struggled to control plane that crashed in Indonesia


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Indonesian authorities have said an automatic safety system repeatedly pushed the plane's nose down and the Lion Air pilots struggled to maintain control.


Black box data show Lion Air pilots struggled to maintain control of a Boeing jet as its automatic safety system repeatedly pushed the plane's nose down, according to a draft of a preliminary report by Indonesian authorities investigating last month's deadly crash.


The investigators are focusing on whether faulty information from sensors led the plane's system to force the nose down. The new Boeing 737 MAX 8 plunged into the Java Sea on October 29, killing all 189 people on board.


Information from the Lion Air jet's flight data recorder was included in a briefing for the Indonesian Parliament.


Indonesian authorities were due to release the findings on Wednesday but not to draw conclusions from the data they present.


Peter Lemme, an expert in aviation and satellite communications and a former Boeing engineer, wrote an analysis of the data on his blog.


The MAX aircraft, the latest version of Boeing's popular 737 jetliner, includes an automated system that pushes the nose down if a sensor detects that the nose is pointed so high that the plane could go into an aerodynamic stall.


Lemme described "a deadly game of tag" in which the plane pointed down, the pilots countered by manually aiming the nose higher, only for the sequence to repeat about five seconds later.


That happened 26 times, but pilots failed to recognise what was happening and follow the known procedure for countering incorrect activation of the automated safety system, Lemme told The Associated Press.


Lemme said he was also troubled that there weren't easy checks to see if sensor information was correct, that the crew of the fatal flight apparently wasn't warned that similar problems had occurred on previous flights, and that the Lion Air jet wasn't fixed after those flights.


"Had they fixed the airplane, we would not have had the accident," he said. "Every accident is a combination of events, so there is disappointment all around here," he said.


Boeing did not immediately respond to two emails and a phone call requesting comment. The company said last week that it remains confident in the safety of the 737 MAX and had given airlines around the world two updates to "re-emphasize existing procedures for these situations."


Pilots at American Airlines and Southwest Airlines complained this month that they had not been given all information about the new system on the MAX.


More than 200 MAX jets have been delivered to airlines around the world.


The Indonesian investigation is continuing with help from US regulators and Boeing. Searchers have not found the plane's cockpit voice recorder, which would provide more information about the pilots' actions.

Anonymous ID: c6bd88 Nov. 29, 2018, 5:08 p.m. No.4079370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9376 >>9381 >>9395 >>9396 >>9413 >>9479 >>9552 >>9566 >>9584 >>9601 >>9639 >>9643 >>9696 >>9706 >>9734 >>9818 >>9845

Noice name

1,2,3,4,5 is her name

Anonymous ID: c6bd88 Nov. 29, 2018, 5:12 p.m. No.4079408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9439 >>9712 >>9929

Pence: We Are Closer ‘Than Ever Before to Ending the AIDS Crisis in Our Time’


( - In a speech to commemorate World AIDS Day this Saturday, Vice President Mike Pence said Thursday that the United States is “closer than ever before to ending the AIDS crisis in our time.”


The faith-based community also played a special role in combating the AIDS crisis.


“Because of your remarkable work … we are closer today than ever before to ending the AIDS crisis in our time. The credit for this achievement is widely shared, but faith-based organizations and faith communities like those represented here have played a pre-imminent role,” Pence said.


“The leaders in this room have inspired countless others to put hands and feet on their faith and bring hope and healing to literally millions of people around the world suffering with HIV-AIDS,” the vice president added.


He said the U.S. is “controlling the HIV/AIDS pandemic without a vaccine and without a cure,” which he called “a remarkable testament” to the compassion of faith-based groups and other organizations dedicated to fighting HIV/AIDS.


“And every day, one community, one country at a time, we’re achieving what once seemed impossible: We are controlling the HIV/AIDS pandemic without a vaccine and without a cure. It is a remarkable testament to your compassion in your lives,” the vice president said.


Pence also explained how far the country has come in the fight against HIV/AIDS.


“It’s amazing to think of the progress that we’ve made. Over the past 37 years, HIV/AIDS has infected more than 77 million people worldwide and claimed no less than 35 million lives, devastating countless families and communities around the world,” he said.


Since the early days of the HIV/AIDS crisis, “the number of new HIV infections every year in the United States, I’m pleased to report, has fallen by more than two-thirds — from 130,000 in 1985, to 50,000 in the year 2010,” the vice president said.


“We’ve also put feet on our commitment not just to confront HIV/AIDS here in the United States of America but to fight HIV/AIDS across the wider world. By the start of the 21st century, the United States was spending more than $500 million every year to combat this disease — more than any other nation, but we soon realized it was not nearly enough,” he said.


“Antiretroviral treatments were still too expensive and hard to access. HIV was a death sentence for too many around the world. And it was projected that 100 million people would contract the virus by the end of the first decade of this century, but in 2003 — 15 years ago this year — under the leadership of President George W. Bush, and during my and Congressman Smith’s tenure in the Congress of the United States, the American people acted to confront the worldwide HIV/AIDS epidemic with American resources and American values,” Pence said.


President Bush’s call to action resulted in one of the most extraordinary bipartisan achievements of compassion in our time: The President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, otherwise known as PEPFAR,” he said.


Since PEPFAR was signed into law, the U.S. “has devoted more than $80 billion to prevent HIV infections and deliver lifesaving treatments to millions.” It is considered “the largest investments by any nation to respond to a single disease in human history,” Pence said.


“And PEPFAR has not only been the largest investment. It has been inarguably one of the most successful investment in healthcare and humanitarian aid in American history,” he added.


Congress has voted to reauthorize PEPFAR, Pence said, and President Donald Trump is expected to sign it into law. Last year, the Trump administration “published the first-ever ‘Strategy for Accelerating HIV/AIDS Epidemic Control,’ which lays out President Trump’s vision and plan to end the AIDS epidemic as we know it.”


The Trump administration is “reaching new milestones” in the fight against HIV/AIDS. First lady Melania Trump traveled to Africa earlier this year and saw firsthand the work that PEPFAR has done overseas.


Through PEPFAR, there has been a nearly 3,000 percent increase in the number of people receiving antiretroviral treatment…. pics cont

Anonymous ID: c6bd88 Nov. 29, 2018, 5:28 p.m. No.4079586   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fired CNN Contributor Denied He Called For Israel’s Destruction. He Also Endorsed ‘Resistance’


( – Temple University professor Marc Lamont Hill, who was fired as a CNN contributor on Thursday, had earlier rejected criticism that his endorsement for “a free Palestine, from the river to the sea” amounted to a call for an end to Israel.


Elsewhere in his remarks – made at an annual U.N. meeting in support of the Palestinian cause – Hill also drew parallels with black Americans’ struggle, which he noted had gone beyond Gandhian non-violence, and said those supporting the Palestinian people should not shame them for “resisting.”


It is the “river to the sea” comment that has drawn most of the attention, however. A CNN spokesperson in response to an emailed query confirmed, “Marc Lamont Hill is no longer under contract with CNN.”


Addressing the U.N.’s “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People,” Hill condemned Israeli policies – using such terms as “ethnic cleansing” and “settler colonialism” – and voiced support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, before ending with the loaded phrase.


“We have an opportunity to not just offer solidarity in words but to commit to political action, grassroots action, local action and international action, that will give us what justice requires,” he concluded. “And that is a free Palestine, from the river to the sea.”


The expression is traditionally used to refer to Palestinian statehood from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, which would self-evidently spell an end to the world’s only Jewish state.


The slogan is popular at anti-Israel demonstrations around the world, and is frequently espoused by officials of Hamas and Fatah.


(Despite alleged amendments to the Palestinian National Covenant, its article two still declares that “Palestine, with the boundaries it had during the British Mandate, is an indivisible territorial unit.” Like Hamas’ charter, which calls for raising “the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine,” that essentially covers the area “from the river to the sea.”)…

Anonymous ID: c6bd88 Nov. 29, 2018, 5:31 p.m. No.4079621   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Research activities of persons halted over gene-edited babies incident


BEIJING, Nov. 29 (Xinhua) – Chinese authorities on Thursday ordered suspending research activities of persons involved in the gene-edited babies incident, denouncing the matter as "extremely abominable in nature" and in violation of Chinese laws and science ethics.


The gene-edited twins matter reported by the media has brazenly violated Chinese laws and regulations and breached the science ethics bottom line, which is both shocking and unacceptable, Xu Nanping, vice minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, told Xinhua.


China's National Health Commission and the China Association for Science and Technology also spoke against the incident.


He Jiankui, a Chinese researcher based in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, claimed on Monday to have altered the DNA of twin girls born a few weeks ago to prevent them from contracting HIV. His claim remains unproven but the incident has triggered heated debate in the scientific community and on social media.

Anonymous ID: c6bd88 Nov. 29, 2018, 5:34 p.m. No.4079647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9651

So does it seem like it was organized (planned) for LAURA Loomers Twitter to be taken down… just like the others platforms… and then cause this situation regarding faked anti-semitism?

Anonymous ID: c6bd88 Nov. 29, 2018, 5:36 p.m. No.4079673   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Madoff Victim Fund established by the Department of Justice began the distribution of $695.4 million in funds forfeited to the United States Government in connection with the Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC (“BLMIS”) fraud scheme. These funds will be sent to more than 27,000 victims worldwide, the third in a series of payments from the Madoff Victim Fund to victims of the BLMIS fraud that will ultimately total more than $4 billion. Another $5 billion in assets recovered by the U.S. Attorney’s Office are being separately paid to Madoff victims through the BLMIS Customer Fund administered by the Securities Investor Protection Act Trustee.


Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said: “Bernie Madoff committed history’s largest Ponzi scheme. This Office prosecuted Madoff and others who helped perpetrate his fraud, and we assisted in recovering billions of dollars in proceeds from the fraud. Today’s payment of more than $690 million is this Office’s third installment in a series of distributions that represent our ongoing commitment to find relief for victims of Madoff’s heinous crimes.”…

Anonymous ID: c6bd88 Nov. 29, 2018, 5:59 p.m. No.4079913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9925 >>9939 >>9941 >>9953 >>9954



Michelle Obama’s Doctor Goes On Record: ‘I Know What I Saw’


Dr. Rafael Espinanzo, who was entrusted with former First Lady Michelle Obama’s care during the 2008 presidential election, is speaking out about something he feels the public needs a definitive answer on. With all the talk about Mrs. Obama once being a man, Espinanzo felt he couldn’t keep his mouth shut any longer:


“I Know what I saw. Michelle Obama is not a woman who used to be a man. Michelle Obama is just a man with breast implants and a huge shaving bill. On the campaign trail, no medical staff were allowed to go near her other than to take vitals if she got sick, which she never did.


I know what I know because I walked in on her…err…him…while he was taking a leak standing up in a bathroom in Trenton. They paid me millions for my silence but after seeing what they did to this country I just can’t keep quiet. Let them sue me.” Sue them they will, says Obama spokesman Art Trubolls:


“Whatever information the doctor has is privileged. Should he decide to trade his license and every dime he’s ever made for a few minutes of fame, so be it.” There was no direct denial of Dr. Espinanzo’s accusations.


I know what I know because I walked in on her…err…him…while he was taking a leak standing up in a bathroom in Trenton. They paid me millions for my silence but after seeing what they did to this country I just can’t keep quiet. Let them sue me.” Sue them they will, says Obama spokesman Art Trubolls:


“Whatever information the doctor has is privileged. Should he decide to trade his license and every dime he’s ever made for a few minutes of fame, so be it.” There was no direct denial of Dr. Espinanzo’s accusations.

Anonymous ID: c6bd88 Nov. 29, 2018, 6:10 p.m. No.4080025   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NASHVILLE – An investigation by Special Agents with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation has resulted in the indictment of the former Cross Plains Police Chief.


In June, at the request of 19th District Attorney General John Carney, TBI Special Agents began investigating James K. Yates on allegations of misuse of governmental records. During the course of the investigation, Agents developed information that between July 2016 and November 2017, while serving as chief of the Cross Plains Police Department, Yates “used the Criminal Justice Portal System to make inquiries unrelated to his official duties.”


On November 14th, the Robertson County Grand Jury returned an indictment charging Yates with one count of Official Misconduct. Today, he was arrested and booked into the Robertson County Jail on a $2,500 bond.