Fuck yeah! forget these faggots, in the new america women will know their place
You can't handle a real woman.
fuck you faggot. Women are only good for making babys and looking good. anyone who doesn't agree is a faggot like you, you faggot
Still trusting Fox will save us, goy?
What's wrong with that? She's an adult and it was her choice
>the free market solved the problem of rampant nepotism in the taxi industry and now poos can't handle it and are necking themselves
I see no problem with this
It sounds like you got a problem with that. I thought the right was tolerant
This is why the shills hate Nasim. She spoke the truth and had principles.
I'm a dude, it's ok for me to be fat. Women are supposed to take better care of their bodies tho
Men make better women than women, didn't caitlen jenner already prove that for being woman of the year when he hadn't even been a woman for a year