Yes, the bewbs here look pretty healthy….like the natural look tho not fake anything
Yeah, it IS a police state. I ask my liberal frens what they think about everybody having their data. They say–wait for it–"Well, I haven't done anything wrong."
Hunting newfags favorite sport for oldfags. Admit it–it's fun. More fun than boring muh joos shills with same old, same old. Get to post fun pics for "research." Change of pace. New fags good!
Most people who get a pink slip don't leave in a limo with the whole building clapping! He must be a great boss.
I've always lived in liberal places, even as a kid. Lucky I went to camp in Texas….bang! bang!
These losers are so bad at lying. I'm watching Tuck in the background. They're got funny clips of Clapper and Comey solemnly lying thru their teeth in front of congress. TC: "Brennan lies constantly."
No surprise, I just love the clips Tuck chooses and his under-the-breath comments. He gets people to look at serious issues by making them funny (sort of).
Ah–the punchline. About Michael Cohen get in trouble for lying to Congress.
Says the well-connected can do whatever they want….whoa, he got something in there about Epstein getting away with molesting kids….guerilla tactics, you go Tuck…..
Obviously, they do not consult the Urban Dictionary, that informs us that expressions like KYS are not to be taken literally, in fact, just the opposite:
Stands for "Kill your self" a sarcastic term used amongst friends basically telling one another to shut the fuck up, when someone says something ignorant, embarrassing, or just plain stupid.
*not intended for real suicide suggestions, please stay alive y'all
(Whimsy is dead, long live earnestness.)
No, just not to fuck us over as quick and as bad as all the rest. Gotta settle for what ya can get.
Favorite quote for the night from Al Gore:
"Donald J. Trump is now the face of climate denial."
Sorry, Al.
(Tucker: "Weird you never became president…")
I'd like to lend them my books on 1937 USSR. People were turning their neighbors in to get a little elbow extra room in super crowded flats. It's a wonder how people change after a few weeks in Lubyanka.