I'd fuck her while her mother watched. She can get it too.
I wonder how many of them switch to our side after weeks/months of forced redpills. The true zealots will never switch, but the paid shills who were just taking a job eventually have to.
Women already know their place. Its faggots like you that are trying to replace and confuse them. Run along.
Wish I could disagree, but I can't.
Did we just become best friends?
They also cook and clean, faggot.
IDK anon I think that 1st one may have a cock
Is that photoshopped? how did they get all those Gummi worms up her ass? I keep trying to look away but its like a car crash
Whatever they want to be… except a woman.
Na thanks, I gave up on porn about 4 months ago. If I occasionally partake its only amateur M/F non kink stuff. I am one of those poor souls that got lost in porn addiction and it had serious detrimental effects on my psyche. I went completely celibate and no-fap for a few months to reset myself.
Speak for yourself Anon, some of us believe this plan spans across decades.
Wouldn't US Marshals be the ones that arrest HVTs?
I disagree, when I had a twatter most of the people I said KYS to I legit hoped they would kill themselves over a specific weekend still to happen.
Wish I could have just talked him out of it.