What the general literacy rate back then anon?
Who was able to read?
Completely made up Bullshit.
No one "memorized" shit. . They went to the head tribal "whatever" who COULD read and had them read (ie interpret) whatever scrolls they had laying around from someone else who had written it down before them
(What was the average life expentancy back then? Nevermind, you'll make up some moar BS answer for that)
You just lost all credibility with "understanding" history, let alone the history of Christianity
I, unlike your BS made up historians, had the read the Bible completely thru at least dozens of times before the age of 12.
Why I know your asking "God" to hurt me is paradoxically BOTH counter to Jesus's teachings and also ALL-so-typical of 90% the hateful idiots who call themselves "Christians"
The hypocrisy never ends, because the "Book" was hasn't been accurate in 1700 years.
Didn't want to upset the biblefags too much. They don't listen as is, so arguing is nearly impossible.
Biblefags never understand the Bible is literally a children's primer to spirituality. It's like calling "See Jane run" book for little kids, the guide to Life.
It's no wonder they treat like God like he's Santa. Same level of mental/emotional maturity.
>Allow you to see
Like the ritual cannibalistic death cult ceremonies you practice? Who's that sound like? Am I see "God" or the Devil?
(your) leaders?
Kek, you're always insane but today you are in rare form. Take your meds anon. And go to bed.
You're the reason I actually enjoy Freddy. At least he doesn't take himself seriously.
You actually believe your nonsense.
Confirms everything I dislike about "Christians"
(Filtered cause I just can't with you)
What's the light looking artifact above the head??
positive outlook
if you're redpilled and "positive" then I dont think you are redpiled as you think you are.
Truth =/= positive, nor airy fairy thinking
Truth = the raw brutal reality of wtf is going on in the world. Eyes Wide Open.
I suck at seeing this shit.
Was looking for shadows of the picture taker immediately and couldn't find it.
I'll let those with a finer eye do their work.
Yeah, the more obvious deduction is that this is "stolen' from one of the Cabal phones as a threat to them. Not that it's Q's phone.
This too.
All these "autists" and no one ever investigated what the "symbolism" REALLY meant and was "invoking"
Cause ayy-lmao is a "slide" yet the Cabal very well believes in them.
"The symbolism will be their downfallโฆbut don't investigate too much, it might upset your worldviews and belief systems too much"
BS. I know "the Plan"
It's made by people who are very fatalistic in have NO FAITH in humanity or people ability to hear the truth. If they had ANY "positive" outlook, we could be living in paradise right now. Find out what the "The Plan" REALLY is first. Not what Q told you (he's a small but important cog in the plan). And then come back here and tell me who's being pessimistic about shit.
Trying to wake your faggot ass up so you DEMAND the full truth. Fuck, how stupid are you.
And "muh why are you here?" is getting REAL NPC-ish
Yes anyone who supports the concept of defeating the Cabal and FULL TRUTH but questions Q or "The Plan" (which they don't know) is OBVIOUSLY a shill
Which retard bus did you fall off today??
Then why are you AFRAID to demand FULL DISCLOSURE. Who does that serve?
Don't think to hard sheep. You weren't schooled to do that and it will trigger your Cabal programming.
DEMAND FULL DISCLOSURE. Who does that serve?
Or follow "those who know better" ..Who does that serve?
Go back to sleep, you aren't ready.
Said like the good cabal sheep you are.
Fuck. I hate this place sometimes.
And by place, I mean the cabal sheeple who post "as Patriots" who think they are "woke"
Follow the thread.
When honestanons make logical questions of wtf is going on and if "WE the PEOPLE" should be thinking other options of freedom, I will defend them everytime
As I said, airy-fairy positivity serves no one when we are this point in the battle. This is the Great Awakening. it's doesnt need to be positive (that's what got us into this mess, people's refusal to look beyond what felt good)
It needs to be REAL. IF that's whiny to you, then you can properly fuck off and filter me. Too much at stake fucker.