Anonymous ID: 2d1c1d Nov. 29, 2018, 10:52 p.m. No.4082743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2749 >>2751 >>2884

Panic Starting To Show


Starting to drum up an insanity deal?

Anonymous ID: 2d1c1d Nov. 29, 2018, 11:01 p.m. No.4082805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2871

There are so many stories dropping all over now it's getting really impossible to keep up.

The DOJ news page is full up.

The notables collections just aren't doing most breads any justice at this point.


There's so much happening now its almost like not being able to see the forest due to all the trees in the way.


It's habbenings. He's not just taking the head of the snake off so it can sprout three more. He's killing it from bottom up.


But either way you kill that snek.


It's habbenings.