Priestap also married into bigtime $
That does put him in the more to lose and thus more open to working with POTUS/Q category
Priestap also married into bigtime $
That does put him in the more to lose and thus more open to working with POTUS/Q category
Not so fast
It was the compd senate the ruined the Republic
Caesar would have been content spending the rest of his life plotting a way to defeat those damn Barbarians
That's the end game
What set it all up was the Senate just got too compd in the preceding century
Not wise to piss off all the farmers & fighters outside of Rome and not expect eventual blowback
>One could equally argue that it sustained it.
That's the most popular view although many on the other side make good points as well.
I see it as Constantine saw it as a much needed organizational tool for the Empire to rally around.
He inherited a rapidly losing situation so he went with the "I saw a cross on the sky muh peoples!"
Why fight it when you can co-opt it for the bennies it can provide?
>There is no Utopia
Never will be that's correct
Still no excuse to allow full-on Corruptopia to set in either