Anonymous ID: 7629cd Nov. 29, 2018, 10:29 p.m. No.4082605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2613 >>2650 >>2719 >>2741 >>2935 >>2981 >>3032



Part #1

–5 G technology companies from China pose a huge National Security risk, Military and Cyber Warfare ramifications/ consequences. China is also smuggling synthetic opioids into the US, major child sex trafficking or abused by visitors to China, Huge sums of money are laundered in the world's largest financial markets–such as Hong Kong, high-tech crimes, Computer crime, software and security, credit cards, Intellectual property, financial fraud., etc


–[H] illary [R] odham [C] linton secretary of state from 2009 to 2013.

China-US relations are at a critical juncture ahead of the US election amid rising nationalistic sentiment in China over an international tribunal’s ruling on South China Sea claims and US plans to deploy its Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense anti-missile system in South Korea.


Analysts attribute Chinese animosity towards Clinton to her “iron lady” image, tough stance on China issues over the years and suspicions in Beijing that she was the mastermind behind the Arab spring uprisings that swept North Africa and the Middle East when she was secretary of state.


–Hillary's emails hacked/ paid to play access by China. (See Pres. Trump's tweet)

The president's posts appeared to stem back to news reports this week in which unnamed sources briefed on the matter said a Chinese company embedded a code in Clinton's private email server that instantly forwarded all emails. Sept. 2018.


–Hillary's brother, Anthony Rodham is president and CEO of Gulf Coast Funds Management LLC in McLean, Va. The firm is one of hundreds of "Regional Centers" that pool investments from foreign nationals looking to invest in U.S. businesses or industries as part of the foreign wealthy investor visa EB-5 program from China. The most routine users of the EB-5 program are Chinese investors.


–DNC won't use China's 5 G companies, Huawei, ZTE or any affiliate phones EVER and were warned not to use them at all during the 2018 elections. The US Democratic National Committee warned party candidates running in November elections not to use devices from Huawei or ZTE, another major Chinese telecoms gear maker. October 25, 2018


–No-Such-Agency has reportedly been spying on China's Huawei's servers for years.


–UK Cyber Security Centre Warns Companies Against Using China's ZTE Equipment & Australia. (Huge Security risk but also Tracked/ spied on by No-Such-Agency.)


–The UK's Huawei experience saw its Five Eyes security partners : The US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand — harden their approach to critical infrastructure from China's 5 G technology companies, devices…cyber warfare, National Security, Military, risks. What's on the public record is heavily redacted, as much to hide the Brits' gross embarrassment about the extent of its network compromise as it is on grounds of national security, by the Chinese devices & company.


–Feds and law-enforcement agencies across the world Seized More than 1 million copyright-infringing website domain names selling counterfeit ELECTRONICS & ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS, IP Theft, etc. A joint case between HSI and Department of Defense investigative agencies resulted in the removal of, a copyright-infringing website offering counterfeit integrated sensors.


(Web sites that sell synthetic elephant strength opioids? Child sex trafficking? All from China? Not mentioned, but I personally wouldn't be surprised if they were part of the raid.)


Industry partners participating in the operation were fully responsible for civilly seizing 1.21 million domain names and shutting down 2.2 million.


The ongoing intellectual property enforcement initiative targeting fake websites, dubbed Operation In Our Sites, was facilitated by the National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center (IPR Center), a joint-task force agency led by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The IPR Center, which stands at the forefront of the U.S. government’s response to IP theft, worked directly with key international law-enforcement authorities and industry organizations representing the electronics sector…etc.


–Are we as infiltrated by China, as Australia is?

Thousands of spies, agents of the Chinese state have integrated themselves into Australian public life from the high spheres of politics, academia and business all the way down to suburban churches and local writers' groups. The book, Silent Invasion: How China Is Turning Australia into a Puppet State, is written by Clive Hamilton. In it, he alleges that a systematic Chinese government campaign of espionage and influence peddling is leading to "the erosion of Australian sovereignty".


–The U.S. 5G documents also do not overstate the China threat.

Meanwhile, the Federal Bureau of Investigation considers China’s state-sponsored economic espionage the “most predominant threat” facing the U.S.,

MORE & SAUCE in Part #2

Anonymous ID: 7629cd Nov. 29, 2018, 10:31 p.m. No.4082613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2650 >>2741 >>2935 >>2944 >>3032



China China China

Part #


People’s Liberation Army (PLA) cyber units have successfully hacked U.S. businesses, government networks, and infrastructure companies in recent years, a phenomenon observed by the U.S. government and private security companies. A U.S. Congressional report noted that telecommunications equipment by Chinese makers Huawei and ZTE could be used for “spying and other malicious purposes.”


Meanwhile, the Federal Bureau of Investigation considers China’s state-sponsored economic espionage the “most predominant threat” facing the U.S., and notes that Chinese hacking costs the American economy hundreds of billions each year. The U.S. is not the only country targeted by the CCP. In


Pentagon consultant Michael Pillsbury wrote in The Hundred-Year Marathon that the PLA would trump U.S. forces in war games scenarios where it used unconventional warfare methods and technology.


In the novel Ghost Fleet, authors P.W. Singer and August Cole hypothesize a future war where a Chinese military outfitted with next-generation fighter drones, and hacker militias defeat a U.S. military force whose high-tech equipment containing Chinese electronics malfunctions in battle. Chinese control of American satellites also makes U.S. military maneuvers difficult in the story. Fiction and war-gaming paint a cautionary “what if” scenario for when an “Americanized” PLA utilizing asymmetrical hybrid warfare tactics, advanced AI, Big Data, and 5G networks decides to flex its muscles.


And technological advances may very well embolden the CCP to consider the military option to further its expansionism.


Intelligence agencies' warnings that certain phone-makers' products have security vulnerabilities that could allow Chinese intelligence to access any data stored on or transmitted by them.

Google had partnered with Huawei.


The Pentagon said last year that a large number of cyber-attacks against US targets appeared to be originating from the Chinese government. The fact that a foreign intelligence service can follow our communications in “real time,” is not so widely known.





No-Such-Agency has reportedly been spying on Huawei's servers for years


Investigative Report on the U.S. National Security Issues Posed by Chinese Telecommunications Companies Huawei and ZTE-U.S. House of Representatives 112th Congress October 8, 2012.


International Crime Threat Assessment


Feds Seize More than 1 million copyright-infringing website domain names


The president's posts appeared to stem back to news reports this week in which unnamed sources briefed on the matter said a Chinese company embedded a code in Clinton's private email server that instantly forwarded all emails.~Aug 2018


HRC pay to play gave or did Hillary Clinton's State Department also give China Computer access to access to classified, sensitive, and emerging technology … is entering the digital age




Defense bill signed into law, bans government use of ZTE, Huawei technology


The DNC tells Democrats not to buy Huawei or ZTE devices ever.


—Dem. Senator Dianne Feinstein and Husband entangled in China up to their ears…and Feinstein well indeed be the “the bridge”. Driver is Chinese Intel.

Anonymous ID: 7629cd Nov. 29, 2018, 10:37 p.m. No.4082650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2935 >>3032






This brilliant post was linked to one of my earlier posts about how dangerous/implications of 5G technology from China.

You might have a point anon.

"The gun pointed at the head of the universe."

In a comment, I (didn't) make such a remark, related to issues of silicon die fabs. Consider… Where do the chips come from in the world? Of modern day die lith processes capable of producing the FPGAs and other such things used in military radars… How much of it exists within the U.S. … Or… Some place other than Taiwan/China?

Research quantities only.

Put the pieces together. U.S.S. Porter. What happened? I was in Jebel Ali as part of MSRON (later CORIVRON) 11. Let me ask… In today's modern navigational world… How does a tanker end up on a perfectly perpendicular intercept course with an Aegis/Aegis-II equipped destroyer?

How many similar incidents became peculiarly common following the Porter?

Freescale Semiconductor had an engineering team disappear along with MH370. Why were they all headed to China/Taiwan? Who would have the skill set necessary to investigate the die lith process and determine if/how chips were being modified from their design specification?

Recall the hardware hack performed by Chinese operatives. Recall the many losses of information from the F-35 programs to hackers/spies suspected to be from China prior to the production of the J-20. Recall incidents regarding aircraft suddenly performing improperly on takeoff/landing.

How many aircraft are potentially compromised directly or indirectly?

If a war were to break out between NATO and Russia, during such a mass movement of assets and deployment thereof… What would China have? Even if it wouldn't take all that long for the regulars to figure out what was going on when China played that card - what can be done about it?

Even if we were to want to deploy to Taiwan to secure die fabs our own way - that is a force deployment of itself. Are there die fabs outside of China? Some - but even the equipment to make silicon dies is built outside of our ability to secure with no domestic competitors. It would be years before we could piece together a secure supply line of "computer chips" to replace what is compromised.

Even then, we are looking at airframes like the F-35 Penguin and the F-18EpicFail. The super bug is at least better than the F-105 in terms of wingloading and thrust, but the Penguin needs to be turned into a mini-sub type of deal from Blue Sub no. 6.

Makes you look back on those tests of the nuclear arsenal a little differently. Those are old, pre-GPS electronics relying on INS. That was a message to the Chinese that no matter what weapon they had, the game was tic tac toe and their only winning move is not to play.