Anonymous ID: 5461d8 Nov. 30, 2018, 12:38 a.m. No.4083263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3286 >>3341 >>3374 >>3520 >>3592 >>3720 >>3743

Former Shell Oil president John Hofmeister dropped a truth bomb on Obama.

It had nothing to do with you, Barack!

The Daily Caller reported:


Former president of Shell Oil Company John Hofmeister said former President Barack Obama had nothing to do with America’s increased oil production and actually frustrated many areas of the energy sector.


Obama claimed he was responsible for America’s recent oil boom during an event hosted by Rice University’s Baker Institute on Tuesday night and Hofmeister challenged his assessment.


“American energy production — you wouldn’t always know it, but it went up every year I was president,” Obama said. “That whole, suddenly America’s, like, the biggest oil producer and the biggest gas — that was me, people.”


“The facts are the facts. And, yes, the production did increase throughout his term,” Hofmeister said on “Fox & Friends” Thursday. “But, frankly, he had nothing to do with it.”


“This was production in states like Texas, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Colorado — North Dakota in particular. And these were all state decisions made with industry applications for permits. The federal government had no role.”



Anonymous ID: 5461d8 Nov. 30, 2018, 12:57 a.m. No.4083341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3374 >>3411 >>3520 >>3592 >>3720


Opinion:White male Michael Avenatti is falling apart ahead of his 2020 run


It’s a good thing Michael Avenatti made it clear that Democrats need to nominate a “white male” in 2020, because it looks looks like that’s the only reason he has left for running.


Even Stormy Daniels, the porn actress who made him famous, is wondering whether he’s a con artist. Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, said Wednesday that Avenatti filed the defamation lawsuit against President Trump on her behalf “against my wishes” and that she can’t account for money he raised using her name and face.


Avenatti says all the money he’s raising related to Daniels is either going to her “security expenses and similar other expenses” or his own “legal fees and costs.” Those expenses, by the way, are the result of a failed lawsuit. A judge dismissed the claim.


Yet, this is the least horrific Avenatti incident from the past three months. Earlier this month, he was arrested on allegations of domestic violence, after a woman named Mareli Miniutti claimed that the two had an argument that led to him dragging her out the door of his Los Angeles apartment while she was only in her underwear.


Miniutti on Nov. 19 received a restraining order against Avenatti, who denies the allegations. No felony charges were filed, but there is still a Dec. 10 hearing scheduled for other possible misdemeanors, according to the Hollywood Reporter.


Incidentally, the Hollywood Reporter also reported that Avenatti has retained

Mark Geragos as counsel.

That's the same lawyer who represented singer Chris Brown after he beat up Rihanna.


Avenatti’s greatest contribution to the national discourse is introducing Julie Swetnick during the Supreme Court nomination hearings for Brett Kavanaugh. Without Swetnick’s laughable accusation that Kavanaugh was part of a high school rape gang, the public might not have seen the rest of the allegations against Kavanaugh for the sham they were. I suspect that didn’t endear him to any Democratic voters.


Avenatti was a media favorite until very recently. Liberal hero Bill Maher greeted Avenatti on his HBO show in April, saying, “Let’s be honest. The whole reason we’re in love with you is we think you’re the top of the spear that’s going to take down Donald Trump.”


Between March and May of this year, Avenatti made 108 appearances between CNN and MSNBC, according to the Washington Free Beacon. But the Media Research Center found that if you include network TV for the same time period, it was actually 147 appearances.


Avenatti did not respond to an emailed request for comment.


Avenatti’s original client that launched him into politics is turning on him, he helped Kavanaugh get confirmed, and now, he’s due in court over allegations he assaulted a woman.


But he is, to date, still a white male.



Anonymous ID: 5461d8 Nov. 30, 2018, 1:30 a.m. No.4083467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3472 >>3478 >>3507



EXCLUSIVE: Hundreds of migrants begin to 'self-deport' back to Central America as TB, chicken pox and lice become endemic at squalid Tijuana sports complex with only 35 portable toilets and nine showers - sheltering 6,000 people


Hundreds of Central American migrants are beginning to turn back home rather than continue to stay in the filth-strewn Benito Juarez sports complex in Tijuana, Mexico

Tijuana's Health Department revealed on Thursday that some migrants are suffering from tuberculosis, chickenpox, skin infections, and there have been four confirmed cases of HIV/AIDS

Mexican officials revealed that around 200 migrants volunteered this week for repatriation, with more than a hundred having already flown home from Tijuana's airport Monday

Salvadoran Clara Daniela, 17, told 'The smell is so bad. There is no privacy for women when you take a shower,' adding, 'We will try to stay for now but it's becoming more and more tempting to go'

She revealed organizations have been facilitating trips back home for those who have 'had enough' by sending them on buses to get a flight counted 35 porta potties for the thousands of residents, many overflowing with excrement and with no means for the migrants to wash their hands

There were nine open air showers divided into three blocks, with one designated for female migrants who use blankets as a makeshift screen for a degree of privacy


These are the hellish conditions that are driving members of the Central American migrant caravan to finally turn their backs on their US dream - by 'self-deporting'.


Despite traveling as much as 4,500 miles - much of it on foot - hundreds of migrants have already accepted free flights home rather than stay longer in the filth-strewn sports complex that has become their temporary home in Tijuana, Mexico.


Lice and respiratory infections are becoming endemic inside the Benito Juarez sports complex and health workers warn that it's a matter of 'when, not if' an outbreak of serious disease sweeps the scruffy labyrinth of tents and tarps sheltering an estimated 6,000 people.


Tijuana's Health Department revealed on Thursday that there are cases of migrants suffering from tuberculosis, chickenpox, skin infections, and there is now a risk of an hepatitis outbreak due to the squalid conditions.


So far, there have been three confirmed cases of tuberculosis, four of chickenpox, and four cases of HIV/AIDS.


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