Anonymous ID: 92f204 Nov. 30, 2018, 12:10 a.m. No.4083143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3169 >>3178 >>3197 >>3205 >>3214 >>3215 >>3230 >>3235 >>3286 >>3291 >>3305 >>3374 >>3414 >>3459 >>3520 >>3537 >>3543 >>3592 >>3720

Morning anons.

For what is coming up, just a quick bit of terminology around the UK and the way the government works and some equivalent terms you may be familiar with.

PM - Prime Minister - obviously like the President, head of the executive, though can be removed at any time from a vote of no confidence by either their party or the MPs in the house of commons.

Foreign Secretary - similar to secretary of state, also heads up MI6, the foreign intelligence service.

Home Secretary - domestic affairs - heads up MI5, the domestic intelligence service and is responisble for policing.

SIS - secret intelligence service - goes across MI5 and MI6

GCHQ - UK Spy agency

[no_name] - Secret Society org run out of the Royal Palaces and offices in Central London, the City of London, and Windsor, responsible for 4am talking points, coordinating rogue C_A, rogue MI6/5/SIS, runs AUS SIS and NZ SIS, Canada SIS, Commonwealth and the EU at the same time tries to make it look like everyone is fighting everyone else. Everything anti-trump and Rothschild related comes from this org. Top of the food chain. Everything down from this, democracy, different parties, etc is just a smokescreen to give the illusion of free will and voting rights.


Side note - May is neutralised… Trident no longer works as a deterrent.


Side note 2 - May is done. If the vote goes through, she is gone. If the vote doesn't go through, she is done. If the former happens, their fall back is violence on the streets, so they can cancel Brexit altogether. Why do you think it's been leaked that May refused a trade deal from POTUS? Where is her husband? Grandy Jury? Gitmo? In hiding?


MANY people have been quietly and secretly going to the US for Grand Jury appearances, you've heard whispers about it but no solid leaks. All the MSM weaponary is being used against it. Not in their interests to leak or let the people know they are doomed in the vain hope that it can all be reversed if they remove Trump. Pro-tip, they can't. If that happened, the miliatry will take over and it is game over.


Everything right now is a movie. As Scott Adams would say, a movie on two screens. The left (smaller and smaller numbers) see what they want to see. Everyone else except autist, though this is changing, see something, everything does not add up anymore. Autists are beginning to see it all.


It is Check Mate and has been since for a while now. The only thing being done is minimising the collateral damage from the Hammer. Believe me, when it comes, it will be swift, brutal and fully just. There is over 100 trillion dollars at least in working capital that is out of the economy as a lever to keep us back. Technology. Cures. Poisons (just eat fresh food only for a week, no sugar, and you'll see it immediately).

Anonymous ID: 92f204 Nov. 30, 2018, 12:46 a.m. No.4083290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3315 >>3432


Anons are the second biggest threat to the old guard.

Anons are protected. Red lines.

The shilling here which anons are incredible at dealing with are simply reflected in the attacks by the MSM and fringe media. Advantage, it becomes clear who is on which side, aside from those planted to pretend not to be with Q, of which I suspect a few candidates.

Anons are amazing. Truly amazing.

ALL the time you have spent here has been worth it, many anons are now read in to a VAST array of areas most will never know or understand.

Just think how much you've assimilated in the last 13 months.

All anons will be a vital resource in the times to come.

People will start listening where they haven't.

They will need you.

This ride never ends but the winning is going to be quite the experience, hope anons are ready for that… remember though, winning the lottery… a year or so later, it isn't the money that makes happiness… it's still how you take your journey. You'll never experience anything better than helping others and that is exactly what you are doing here. You are all helping.

God's work anons.

Privilledge to amonst you all.

Anonymous ID: 92f204 Nov. 30, 2018, 12:50 a.m. No.4083310   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I can't see a path where the EU exists or isn't entirely reformed with any of it's leadship or current structure within 12 months.

What happens if failsafes of Italy, Poland, etc trigger article 50 which can happen at any moment. Remember that.

Anonymous ID: 92f204 Nov. 30, 2018, 12:53 a.m. No.4083326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3337 >>3371 >>3484


Can you see POTUS in a scenario where there isn't a good deal for everyone worldwide? Think BIG, think BIGGER, think BIGGEST.

SO many of them have stashed and squirrelled away their loot for so long.

The global system is a sieve for leaking working capital. Even if just that is fixed, the economy goes into overdrive, WITHOUT the need for interest rate rises.

Anonymous ID: 92f204 Nov. 30, 2018, 1:52 a.m. No.4083535   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dismantly so many networks and processing so many cases without leaks is what is taking so long, like diffusing a complicated bomb. More like a minefield.

Everything is theatre at the moment, as the scramble to limit the fallout happens.

Look for double meanings in what leaders, and foreign secretaries say on the world stage.

POTUS, Putin, MbS and Xi are aligned.

The deal?

Are the other three ever at risk of giving up power, near or medium term?

Add in Koreas, Japan.

That alliance is enough to crush the EU/Iran Mullahs. The UK is part of the EU and were never meant to leave.

Eyes are off Iran at the moment?

What secrets will Iran's leaders give up?


Paradise and Panama Papers.

Channel Islands.


The old systems relied on all the players being in the club.

They lost the presidency of the US, Russia and China.

They lost the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

They are about to lose the UK and France (publicly).

Note that's all five permenant members of the UN.

All the nuclear powers except for Iran, Syria*, Paki and India + 3 others.