Anonymous ID: dcdc8c Nov. 30, 2018, 2:01 a.m. No.4083572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3578 >>3590 >>3592 >>3595 >>3633 >>3669 >>3720

May be relevant to the Chongqing thing. Di Fi was also involved with that area of China and crossed swords with the Zodiac Killer over it.


On September 24, 2015, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) proposed legislation that would rename the street across from Red China’s embassy after pro-democracy activist Liu Xiaobo. "This would be the street sign that the Chinese ambassador would look at each day," Cruz said. "This would be the address that every piece of correspondence going into the embassy and coming out of the embassy would have written on it … the PRC officials will be forced to recognize the bravery of Dr. Liu and to acknowledge it dozens of times a day – day after day after day."


To Cruz's horror, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) took the floor to object:


I can only infer that it has political implications, because the President of China is due to arrive here tomorrow and, therefore, this would be passed today, moved out of committee without a vote in front of the Senate. I don't think that is the way we should do business in this Senate. Maybe people don't believe diplomacy makes a difference, but I do.


Cruz, visibly angry, came back to the Senate floor. "The presence of President Xi in this country is precisely the reason that we should stand in unanimity in support of human rights," Cruz said, his voice escalating. "Dr. Liu is in a Chinese prison, and the senior Senator from California is standing and objecting to recognizing this Nobel laureate's bravery, is standing and objecting because presumably it would embarrass his Communist captors. I, for one, think as Americans we should not be troubled by embarrassing Communist oppressors."


This is nothing new for Feinstein, and those who are at the hands of Red China know it. Harry Wu, who spent 19 years in the Chinese Gulag and dedicated his life to exposing the Communists' human rights abuses, said in a 2001 interview:


Congress gave me nice support — Sens. Helms and Paul Wellstone of Minnesota. When I met Sen. Wellstone, he said, "Harry, I don’t need a brief — just tell me what you want me to do." But they were only some of the senators. Others took a stand for communist China based on family or business interests. For example, Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.), her husband is a board member of COSCO [The PLA’s Chinese Overseas Shipping Corporation] and he has other investments in China. You see, this is the kind of person [Feinstein] who is never interested in my work.


In 2010, Taipei-based reporter Jens Kastler wrote in Asia Times:


No US politician is believed to enjoy ties to China’s previous and present-day leaderships as close as Feinstein. During 30 years of frequent visits to Beijing, Feinstein developed friendships with Chinese officials as high-ranking as former president Jiang Zemin, former premier Zhu Rongji and Chongqing Party Secretary Bo Xilai – now arguably a rising political star in the country.


Controversially, on most of her trips to China, Feinstein has been accompanied by her investment-banker husband Richard Blum, to whom Feinstein has been married since 1980. Blum has been reported by US media as having extensive business interests with China. Feinstein is often described as one of the most powerful women in US politics.

Anonymous ID: dcdc8c Nov. 30, 2018, 2:04 a.m. No.4083579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3592 >>3605 >>3615 >>3630 >>3633 >>3669 >>3674 >>3720

Di Fi is balls deep in China and into lots of things there.


Senator Feinstein: I’ve been coming to China for 31 years, so I’m not a newcomer.

I started the San Francisco-Shanghai sister city Committee. They will be coming here on the 17th of June [with] Mayor [Gavin] Newsom. They wanted me to come with them. I can’t because the Senate is in session.


I thought I would come over, meet with [Shanghai] Mayor Han [Zheng] and visit the Expo and pay my respects.


And then the trip widened. I asked a couple senators – [Democrat] Senator [Kay] Hagen of North Carolina, [Democrat] Senator Mark Udall of Colorado to come. I thought that they were relatively new to China. Maybe it would be interesting for them to be able to meet some of the people that I knew.

While in Beijing, we spent time with Zhu Rongji, the former premier who was a mayor of Shanghai. We had a long meeting and lunch with him.


And then we had dinner at [the Chinese leadership compound] Zhongnanhai and a meeting with [former President] Jiang Zemin. Jiang Zemin and I were mayors together. We know each other very well. I consider myself a good friend. I had the opportunity to introduce him to two of my colleagues.

We met with [Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress] Wu Bangguo.


We met with nine [U.S.] energy companies doing business here. We met with the Energy Administration. With the [Taiwan Affairs] Cross-Straits director.


And Bo Xialai, who was the mayor of Dalian. I knew him in that regard and visited him in Dalian. Now that he’s in Chungking [Chongqing], he flew in. We had an hour or so together which was really nice.


What comes through to my mind is really how quickly China has developed and emerged as a world power. I believe it’s the most important bilateral relationship the United States has. And getting it right, understanding the culture, the history, the goals and aims, as well as the sensitivities, is extremely important.


DiFi and Chongqing, Notable?