Anonymous ID: e839c1 Nov. 30, 2018, 12:42 a.m. No.4083279   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4082695 (all pbs)

Actually that was Issa who had a twin brother Thomas who was a mason. Issa and Thomas lived in the historically jewish are of India called Kashmir. Issa first went to study with the Hindu (the oldest religion in this narrative) then he went to study with the Buddhists. He then traveled to Palestine. It is thought he is one of the three figures the composite of the bible character Jesus is based on. He was crucified..his followers slipped him so sleepy juice and he survived the crucifixtion..he then returned to Kashmir where he married. He is buried in Kashmir in RozBal and his tomb is quite interesting…bearing feet imprint with nail holes. Kashmir is now a heavily moslem area. All talk of Issa is forbidden and the tomb is heavily guarded preventing any archeological study or DNA testing…for the obvious reason. If the accepted story of Jesus is false (and it would be proven so by studying the tomb…contemporary court records already prove much of the life of Issa) then Islam would fall along with xianity and muzzy ain't having that.


Descendants of Issa still exist in Kashmir today. A heavily guarded secret by the enclave that must exist in a muzzy area. And stone work done by his brother Thomas still exists.


It is commonly thought that the Secret Gospel of Thomas is the teachings of Issa, as they are heavily Buddhist in nature.


Every word I wrote is easily proven…if you even bother to look.


Also the chapel at Renne Le Chateu tells a part of this tale as a plaque in the 7 stations of the cross shows a man being removed from a cross after sundown without the sword wound in his side. A jew would NEVER touch a dead body after sundown…but Rennes is another whole rabbit hole..the priest..Saunier discovered a deep dark secret hidden by Templars in the chapel which he discovered upon renovation and basically blackmailed the Catholic cult..lost his "faith"…and during the remodel he left countless clues to the secrets he found. Including the demon Asmosdeus (the water bearer) with a clam shell on his back which held the holy water that worshipers used as the entered the chapel.



>Got 2 or 3 shills working in tandem tonight looks like. I still don't understand their goal? If it doesn't work why keep doing it?


KEK it works because you just can't help self discipline…you just can't stop talking about them. SRSLY dude you're more of a problem than anything else.You and the rest of the complainers…and the religitards…and the flat earthers…and the bill is alex…and…



>I can handle a lot but I’ve never been able to listen to that Podesta video where he beats that kid.


Good because it's a fucking fake. I can't believe the weak minds falling for that shit….I was there back when it happened. Nearly every bit of that video has been manipulated and the original is still there along with other idiotic "artworks"…right there for anyone to look at on the world corp website. Fucking idiots…I watched that video get manipulated and reposted over and over at VOAT…until the final product …that is not John Podesta in that video and anyone that thinks it is needs to fuck off back to reddit. SRSLY.


>God is an abusive parent?

Exactly. LOVE ME OR DIE…all the bullshiting asshattery they try to come up with to change what is clearly MEANT…love me or fucking die..that's what it says, it is what it means…do what "god" says…or die…free will and all that right?


Better is the butthurt explanations…well it's free will…well what a fucking kind of choice is that?


God is an asshole. God knows everything…right? SO if god knew humans were going to be complete and total fuck ups why did he do it anyway? Does he get off on watching humans murder each other? And what kind of "god" gets lonely so he fucks with nature? What kind of "god" self describes as angry, wrathful, vengeful…yet he loves you and is merciful? No thanks..if I'm gonna have a god he's going to be better than humans.


SRSLY people are idiots.

Anonymous ID: e839c1 Nov. 30, 2018, 12:50 a.m. No.4083313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3534


>Stay on target. Slide storm by shills and concernfags means we are over the target. Anons discussing Q's pic is causing slides and panic. Stay on target, faggots.


STFU stop wasting bread telling people what to fucking do…that's (((YOU))) (pic related)

Anonymous ID: e839c1 Nov. 30, 2018, 12:53 a.m. No.4083322   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>This is why I never read the Bible. Not only did the stories make no sense to ideals of a good father,

Good dad is good. No good dad threatens to kill his children but will stay his hand if they do everything he says. Giving life to a child is not carte blanche to live it for them!