Why do we have to deal with this western trash?
We're like psychic garbage men.
Why do we have to deal with this western trash?
We're like psychic garbage men.
Slaughter psychics (and witches obviously) before they get the uh, "inclination" to hide in bunkers and try to convince their masters they're good little goys.
I'm only being a joker.
Imagine trying to alter the world through the mind-realm with a broken brain. I mean, really subversive stuff. This is what psychics do. They're absolute trash beings and need to be taken out. Lol, just kidding.
What do I know?
>Carbon stars with ancient satellites colonized by sentient fungi. Gas giants inhabited by vast meteorological intelligences. Worlds stretched thin across the membranes where [the] dimensions intersectโฆ Impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary!
Who the fuck cares?
Truly, a paradise of souls.
Until you get some faggot that screams about child abuse to enslave others.
What's so interesting about purple?
>accidentally realize conscious existence has rebound effects
>become a conditioned slave drone yourself
"Just CIA NIGGER things~"
Right, but they cut their own dicks off. Seems not legit.