Can I get a quick rundown on Whitaker?
Is there any chance in hell the swamp will eventually get him removed? It seems to me, Whitaker is the key to everything. They are absolutely freaking out that a swampbeast isnt in control of DOJ.
Can I get a quick rundown on Whitaker?
Is there any chance in hell the swamp will eventually get him removed? It seems to me, Whitaker is the key to everything. They are absolutely freaking out that a swampbeast isnt in control of DOJ.
I think you're probably right, but now I'm hearing something about the AG of Maryland causing problems.
dont fall for the 'vaping is just as bad as smoking', meme. it's disinfo started by the media in collusion with big tobacco.
vaping is a viable and safe step down for quitting smoking. i know at least a dozen people that have used it to help them quit. it works.
my theory on this, someone has gotten into the detector network and is planting false signals. makes more sense than some magical underground… something.
keyword scare tactic. also, you're using a deepstate controlled .gov source… good goy, just stick with cigarettes!
i've never smoked anything in my life. not one thing. i grew up despising it because my mom smoked nonstop. she actually started vaping about 5 years ago and quit smoking in one day. now she only vapes maybe once or twice a day. it works.
I'm not clicking on anything from .gov. everything the feds say (and endorse) is 100% bullshit.
loomer doesnt have anything on @jack. she is likely the one from that account with the threat to his gay ass.
i dont think anyone can remember that, loomer used to be a nearly homeless pleb that somehow climbed out of poverty by sheer will through social media. she now makes barely enough $$ to live (likely getting kickbacks from other jews). she is desparate to keep her social media thing going or she will soon be destitute again.
i mean, did anyone see how bad the tires were on her jeep? i have 40 year old farm equipment with better tires than that.