Posting this again because it triggered a bunch of kikes in the last bread.
When the indictments are unsealed and the DECLAS are revealed it will start to snowball fast. The Cabal will collapse, chaos will commence and there will be a period of Martial Law. The perpetrators that have not suicided will be round up and the world will know the truth.
The Cabal’s last card is Meuller. The POTUS is waiting for the Cabal to play it’s hand first (?). POTUS will counter with the UNSEAL/DECLASS. The Cabal will attempt to foment a civil war. The patriotic members of Federal, State and local law enforcement with the National Guard and US Armed Services will quell the violence. The world will witness the truth.
>So how do they force Mueller to wrap up his investigation and/or release a report?
That’s the (?). If Meuller won’t release then POTUS will force the issue and DECLAS. That’s what POTUS keeps tweeting. It’s a game of chicken at the moment.
The period between the UNSEAL/DECLAS and Martial Law will be less than 24hrs. The time is ripe.
What, in ill thoughts again? Men must endure
Their going hence, even as their coming hither:
Ripeness is all.