any AlaskaAnons know how well the infrastructure will hold up?
this looks fucked up
>We barely have any infrastructure to begin with
shit, good luck anon
>And what we do isn't very well made and is shifted during the winters when the ground freezes and swells.
I can understand that, my state gets cold winters (relatively) and our roads get fucked up every winter too
no one reports on the Sryian War's daily events except for SouthFront, and the local Syrian news agencies
when the MSM does comment, that anon usually adds one or two sauces from the USA
that anon does the updates so other anons who don't follow it as closely are updated
I always add it when I bake for that reason
but I understand your point, yet I don't think that anon is shill or fake and gay
you can verify those claims a few ways, one being using the live map, but they are legit sauces:
right, and the fact POTUS is sticking up for him so much is also telling
they are a needed ally not only against Iran but also the cabal
>SA is a Domen' Jew Monarchy so there is that.
>Maybe the Crown Prince is a real muslim and is breaking away from Jewdom? Time will tell.
yea, time will tell
I see the new/cleaned SA as a check on Israel
since they are now defacto allies, they aren't doing as much as they did with palestine (what israel is doing in syria is UNILATERAL, we nor anyone else supports it)
but his push to modernize and de-"wahhabize" SA is a good sign and should be supported imo
(not sure if wahhabize is a word)
I know these, but some anons may not
these updates are helpful and legitimately sauced to give anons an update on something that is NOT covered in the MSM/USA
literally the "Syrian Arab News Agency", domestic news agency for Syria
The "Russian News Agency", follows the ruskie side of the war and its politics
I've seen anons form reddit give it shit, but find me a better war news aggregator and I'll use it
South Front's updates, maps, and analysis is tippy top shit and I use it daily
Syrian Observer
it's an aggregator of Syria related news from ALL sides of the conflict
(pic is from their homepage)
they have "opposition", lebanese, syrian, etc etc and basically just post updates on events
block out your name next time Caleb
not really, seem to be going at a good speed to me
true, when Q posts, general's ppm doubles, maybe triples or quadruples
don't know the stats on that