masonic weaponized nepotism that has destroyed this nation. God and country should be the aim not the fucking witchcraft craft. Not only should you leave the masonic lodge. If you are a dark mason (if such duality exists) if you have taken others lives that is tough but you need to pony up and get out and try and get others out.Because at a certain point Trump might have to shut it down with RICO and the transnational criminal orginization clauses. Martial law is very rough on the nation and trump is a buisnessman and we are his clients his citizens. So freemasonry is the biggest liability to not only trump but every single patriots right to pursuit the american dream. I will trust the plan but I do not trust freemasonry or any sort of masonic symbolism. It will be their downfall. It can mean no other than the largest fraternal organization on the face of the earth. You are subverting the nation and not able to be a completely free man if you are a freemason. An active freemason that is.
How do you unify the left? How else could you unify the nation than with a great awakening like was historically refereed to in america's second great awakening with the forming of the antimasonic party the first third party the only grassroots political party ever made. And don't think you will have to run for the hills. Oh no. Men united in leaving masonry and it was one of the most blooming times in american history before the civil war when masons divided and ruled us out of that.You can use this as a mid life crisis everyone will look to you and you can say "it was so scary I am glad that part of my life is over" and all of that. Even if you where on the up and up you can say you went in the lodge to drop something off and saw a satanic ritual or something. Let these monsters be exposed and leave preferibly now because its not looking good. I see all of this is as a military super classified top secret plan to stop a robotic cult from destroying the nation.
Notice the ladder