>>4088290 L.B.
Lots of iceberg references in the last 24 hrs.
And lots of talk about 'climate change' the last couple weeks.
More coded comms?
That thought did cross my mind.
Neither am i, but i share similar thinking as you.
Willing to consider that a (perverted) view of this is a major component of the 'sacred secret' of the esoteric societies.
Could be why there is so much control over the food & pharma industries, etc.
There is a EM component to biology that's rarely discussed outside of the 'new age' world & then it's burdened by so much heavy baggage & mulitple detours to make it borderline unpalatable.
The biologist Bruce Lipton discusses epigenetics a lot, though even he seems to be scratching the surface.
Very interesting topic for sure. Would love to find more to read on it along the lines that you are taking it.