>>4087101 PB
How bout we just treat these companies like the genetic nukes they are. Once those changes get into the wild, they are permanent contamination of the human gene pool. I thought Monsanto was bad for nuking the corn.
They have no right. The reason they have no right is because it forces the genetic trash on future generations.
No right.
Corporations are not godz
Back in the time of the founders there were "charter laws" in all the states, where corporations had do come back every 20 years to get a new charter.
Any criminal behavior caused loss of charter, which was corporate execution.
Corporations removed the charter laws in the many states over time.
Now they think they get to live forever, do whatever and there is no legality or morality added to that "profit equation"
Corporations need to fear execution for their crimes again, on parole, every 20 years, life for good behavior, death for misconduct and being an evil citizen of the world.