We need to capitalize on these arrests. Normies equate child sex trafficking to their idea of what a pedophile is. They can't handle the thought so they never think deeper. The type that abuse family members and neighborhood kids do so because they are accessible. They don't need to pay anyone money to provide the child to them. Normies never ask themselves who would be the ones paying for children? The question is great to wake them up to pedogate. They are brainwashed into believing it is just a conspiracy theory for nuts to thin the wealthy elite are abusing kids and orchestrating child sex rings. The pedo next door can't afford to pay so only the wealthy ARE the ones doing this. Then look at the amount of arrests for TRAFFICKING ( not molestation) and the picture becomes clearer about how big of an industry it is. From their look at all of the money to charities that claim to combat child sex slavery. Why so many organizations with so much money to combat a problem MSM says is a crazy conspiracy theory?
big one should have been capitalized . This goes against is normal pattern of capital letters.
14K workers being laid off and the MSM found 1 worker that blames Trump. Now they can write their article and take a shot at Trump. Why doesn't the headline read " 14K being laid off and amazingly one single person blames Trump and his policies 14,000 to 1 "
I think it looks like a hoax or misrepresentation. There is nothing to identify who it belongs to. No case ID number