Triple Post Dig: The Importance of Q Post and @realDonaldTrump Timestamps
Graphic relationships included.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI Tue 20 Nov 2018 23:04:59 df1a06 No.3979646
Panic in DC
Did Whitaker remove [SC] 'special articles' inserted by [RR] re: expanded scope v2?
Was the scope narrowed to the original mandate assigned?
Item used when walking a dog?
This first Q Post discusses, Panic in DC, SC, RR, (leashes). The timestamp by itself isn't interesting, yet.
The quoted text 'special articles' is connected to SC (possible Supreme Court) which could imply Constitutional articles, and in the analogy of RR's insertion text, could be a reference to [BAD] Constitutional ammendments which have been inserted to erode our Constitutional rights. This would include ammendments like Gun Control, Income Tax, and the Federal Reserve. These three ammendments alone have contributed to the enslavement and destruction of countless U.S. citizens since their enactment and enforcement.
The time between the first post and the second post is 37 minutes.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI Tue 20 Nov 2018 23:41:59 df1a06 No.3980302
FBI - 3
DOJ - 1
People are nervous.
This second Q Post discusses how 'People are nervous'. The timestamp is now starting to get interesting, seconds are identical, :59. There maybe something relevent to dig on.
Those of us who frequent 8chan are aware of the connection between POTUS, Q, and the Qresearch board. The Qresearch diggers and supporters are accutely aware of the threat which is posed to the criminal power structures throughout the world.
The time between the second post and the third post is 5 minutes.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI Tue 20 Nov 2018 23:46:59 df1a06 No.3980392
Do you believe in coincidences?
Think D5.
Panic in DC.
This third Q Post discusses coincidences, D5, and Panic in DC. O.K. Now the timestamps are very interesting, three :59 for emphasis. There is definitely something to dig on related to timestamps between these three posts.
This final post in this series of three poses a question, 'Do you believe in coincidences?' This line as an independant statement is inferring a dig on timestamps. Regardless of what other people may say about digging on this or that, Q is definately emphasising the importance of timestamps and the relational information which can be derived from them. This is Q, supporting and guiding us, so that the Great Awakening may be realized throughout our society and the world.
Part 11 coming SOON. Look for it!