Anonymous ID: 314fb8 Nov. 30, 2018, 3:26 p.m. No.4089812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9944


Annnnnnnd filtered bc I couldn't care less what it's called just like your mom, never said it was new, and given your adding words to my post "it's not new" I'd take a look at the uneducated part while douching your fronthole in the mirror bc you obviously can't fukken read so lurk your cock into your mouth and eat moar dick faggot


Act like you're anyone to give fuck about when truth is 2 seconds after I post I will never hear or see from your filtered fuck face again…kike

Anonymous ID: 314fb8 Nov. 30, 2018, 3:33 p.m. No.4089890   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Or ,option 3, I don't spend every waking hour here and have others things I'm digging and thinking about all while taking care of a family of 5 and helping to save a country with yall and simply did not see that. But rather than someone simply say that we get what we have here. And just bc someone said they made it up doesn't negate the fact that these events seem to be taking place..Ie Israel expanding into Golan/syria (gorging cly) ,my earlier post about the economist going to black and vid link with strange coincidences,Brexit etc..Not saying it's all true or even true but not throwing out baby with bathwater just yet

Unlike some I keep an open mind