Anonymous ID: ebe9ac Nov. 30, 2018, 5:35 p.m. No.4091403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1419

A picture is worth many sentences.

Has POTUS ever made a statement that hasn’t been proven to be correct (future)?

Think timing.

Think Senate lock.

Think SC lock.

Locked & (who is) Loaded.



Has POTUS ever made a statement that hasn’t been proven to be correct (future)?


Well, there was that one time he said something about building a wall. And that other time he said he was going to lock her up. Oh, and that time he said we would find out who really knocked down the twin towers. And something about unlocking the mysteries of space and disease. And giving power back to the people.


As for Q, I think once he predicted they were going to release a lot of withheld cures for diseases. And there was that time they were going to do something to Snowden. And that time they were going to destroy big tech and run Zuck out of the country. And the time they said they were going to send Obama and Hillary to Gitmo. And that time they said the world would learn the 'TRUTH' in July. And when 11/11 was supposed to be a parade or something after destroying the global cabal. And there was that time they said "red wave or red tsunami." And the time when they said there was an alien coverup they were going to disclose. And that time when they were going to take down the Roths and Soros. And that time they said they were going to restructure the Fed. And when they said 2018 would be "glorious." And there was a time when they were going to release a vid of Hillary murdering kids on Epstein Island. And there was that time they said they had a recording of Feinstein threatening Murkowski. And then there was that post about a June ETA for Seth Rich disclosure/arrests. And I remember something about the fact they had eliminated voter fraud and the elections were safe. And when Q suppoters were going to become more and more visible and "force the question." May have been some others also.


Then again, we all know disinformation is necessary, and we have to be patient. I for one certainly aren't going to be so weak as to become a "concernfag." I trust the plan all the way! We just have to hope and pray, and sit on our asses a little while longer and Q and Trump will certainly still bring justice and bring the world into a new golden age. WWG1WGA! Right patriots?! MAGA!!!!

Anonymous ID: ebe9ac Nov. 30, 2018, 5:39 p.m. No.4091450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1468


What's the matter with Pence? Doesn't he know he is supposed to FORCE THE QUESTION?! Surely Trump will reprimand him after this. Just like I'm sure he reprimanded the secret service agents that refused entrance at the rallies for anyone with a Q shirt or sign.

Anonymous ID: ebe9ac Nov. 30, 2018, 5:43 p.m. No.4091497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1513


Come on shill. Don't be a concernfag! Disinfo is necessary! 11/11 really was a cosmic happening, it was just only visible to those of us on a higher spiritual plane! You need to have full pineal activation as a super duper Qanon patriot to see things like 11/11. Q's predictions have all come true, but they don't come true here on earth silly, they are manifested on the astral plane! Get with the program shill!