I have gone through so many different stages during all this stuff. Curiosity, disblief, amazement, anger, FURY, exhaustion, hope, sadness, anxiety, elation, depression, disappointment. I could go on and on. I stumbled into all this on 4 Nov 2017 and haven't missed a day. Not one. I have had my doubts a few times but to be honest, we have no other meaningful plan that could possibly solve the colossal problems that present themselves.
All I hope for at this point is a return to a literal interpretation of the constitution and an elimination of all the horrible systems that have destroyed my nation. My son was born this year and I don't want him to have to live under the grinding socialism that I lived under. I want him to not be afraid of the government coming to throw us out of our house since it is illegal. I want him to be able to live in a nation with a functional economy so he will have some sort of a chance at a decent life. I want to be able to use my land as I see fit if I am not hurting anyone else without having to hide out like some sort of an outlaw.
I want to be able to start a business and not be taxed to death (Thanks so much DJT for the tax adjustment but ANY income tax is too much. Same with ANY Property tax. All it is is proof positive that I am simply a SERF ON MY OWN LAND I PAID FOR. Since I do not hold Allodial Title/Land patent rights. I want to be able to buy any firearm and carry it anywhere any time. I want to not live in fear of some police officer setting me up in some traffic stop for some bullshit thing that is not even real. I want to be able to run a still in my garage and sell the liquor to ANYONE in a fucking roadside stand with no taxes, no bullshit laws and no nonsense. I want to see people open-carrying hand-cannons on air planes and in government buildings with no one batting an eye. I want to live in the LAND OF THE FREE and the HOME OF THE BRAVE. Funny how FREEDOM and BRAVERY must go hand-in-hand.
My time has pretty much passed so I will work on this stuff for my son and family. I want these things for my future family and also for all of you my Anons.