. ID: 99b65e Dec. 1, 2018, 12:46 a.m. No.4098877   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Q said from the start–MILITARY plan

MILITARY leaders, using MILITARY doctrine

Characteristics of modern military plans?

Think Desert Storm, Iraq invasion

NO gradual escalation

gather intel

asses enemy capabilities

assess enemy vulnerabilities

develop detailed plans for every contingency

use deception to misdirect enemy efforts

choose optimum time for attack

maintain strict secrecy

maximize the element of surprise

amass overwhelming force

train and equip

When ALL is ready…

UNLEASH HELL across multiple nodes using multiple mediums simultaneously with OVERWHELMING FURY:


offensive forces

defensive forces

economic base

enemy morale

The goal–strategic paralysis

Cripple enemy's ability to resist

Destroy the enemy's WILL to resist

CRUSH the enemy before they can respond


Status quo:

Cabal/MSM has easily won individual battles by concentrating fire

Skirmishes easily deflected by coordinated response


Winning strategy:

Develop DETAILED plan in secret

assess the enemy's likely counter-moves

amass overwhelming forces (witness, judges, documents, case files)

Train and equip key players

Unleash hell and fury in COMPRESSED TIME FRAME

overwhelm enemy's means to coordinate counter-attacks


Perhaps this really is the calm before the storm?