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I cam here about 2.5 hrs ago to post something and found that GHWB had 'died' and been reading/lurking since then. Done all that so here goes with my original intention…
My internet service provider is Bell Canada (I live somewhere in Ontario ;) ) and I found something screwey going on today/yesterday.
In the last month I have found it impossible to access thepiratebay.org in the normal fashion by going there without any fancy cloaking.
Recently that has become impossible and I have found that a 522 error code happens and a cloudflare page pops up showing the Chicago Cloudflare server between my browser and the piratebay site.
Up until about 2 weeks ago I could use OpenVPN, choose the Hong Kong location and access the piratebay website to get what I needed.
When I did that yesterday (a few hours ago) the same 522 error page came up but this time showing a Hong Kong server.
I tried every other location that I have in my OpenVPN list and every one of them did the same thing - showing the same 522 error page with just the server location being different.
The point I am trying to make is that Cloudflare is being now used worldwide to censor which site you get access to.
A few weeks/months ago I seem to remember an Anon doing some digging on Cloudflare, the company behind this cloudflare 522 error code crap, and found that the CEO had ties to the Clintons/Clinton Foundation and related nasty people. I even remember that there was a link there with the Internet's encryption codes.
When doing a ping in the command console (Windows machine) to thepiratebay.org it went through successfully without any problems. See pic.
This means that there is nothing wrong with thepiratebay.org site and I am actively being refused entry to it. Hence censorship.
I believe that this is what is going to happen at some point to this board and others like it to prevent communications between Patriots.
So, from here (Canada) at least all internet traffic is being routed through Cloudflare servers.
One last point of interest…. the VPN location for Switzerland shows the request being ruted through Milan (Italy) before attempting to reach thepiratebay.org, it does not go through Switzerland at all !!! More than likely there are no Cloudflare servers in Switzerland which is why it shows Milan. That means that there is no longer freedom of browsing - everything goes through Cloudflare - a cabal company.