Anonymous ID: 01ec21 Dec. 1, 2018, 1:59 a.m. No.4099274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9294 >>9300 >>9654 >>9675 >>9771 >>9788 >>9798 >>9836 >>9864



"They expect you to follow the stars." A celebrity funeral. Was McCain REALLY that big of a celebrity? If they expedited GHWB's hospice care, to time with the revelations coming out in proceedings next week, then RGB better get that Bucket List done, 'cause she's next in line on the celebrity-politician-kick-the-bucket list. MSM is already spinning up RBG TV dramas! Books! And an inside peek at Ruth's collar ruffles!


For Pappy Bush people have known for DECADES he was a pedo perv since his days as VP in the Reagan Admin. Hell, MAIN STREAM MEDIA even ran a piece on it publicly. (Link to actual MSM broadcast/Reddit link below). They had credit card receipts! Boys and very young men going into the White House after hours for sex! Witnesses! MSM Published it! Nope. Nothing happened. Buried. All distractions, and short public attention spans. It's like people all have ADHD or Autism or are Democrats or something.


The Fraklin Pedo Scandal then! John McCain was instrumental in the S&L and pedo cover-ups! Nope. Nothing again. Distraction. Buried. Forgotten. McCain's career continued. Bush became President!


Now at the GHWB funeral, 'surely all this sleaze will come up?' you say. Yes. It is. And as testimony and evidence comes forward, they're just going to build a bigger distraction. The pageantry, the wall-to-wall media coverage. Saturation on all information mediums.


For these guys, this stuff ALWAYS works. If the domestic soap opera doesn't work, then pick a spot. Let's start a war in some God-forsaken fly-blown wasteland! That will distract the masses. Why are we at war with these people? Who cares? It's a war, you traitor. Short of that, let's put together mass causality event or launch something in the Pacific, how about Honolulu?


Iran. Greneda, Sandinistas, Panama, Savings and Loan Crisis, Franklin. Sadam. LOOK! A squirrel!


There will always be a distraction. People are trained to be OUTRAGED and SURPRISED by the MSM. People are trained to respond with only emotion, without thinking through the consequences. 'You're watching a movie." "Enjoy the show." I only watch the Super Bowl for the ads.


Don't get sucked in to the Zombie Herd.


Be an Anon. You're not alone, we're all brothers in this. United States. By the People, for the People, of the People.


Let's get this shit sorted and get the Republic back to functioning.