Anonymous ID: 23bc0a Dec. 1, 2018, 1:47 a.m. No.4099222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9241 >>9277

Hey shills, how's the weather in TelAviv this morning? This will be your last week of work, scumbags, hope the rabbi is willing to feed your asses, after all, you've let him fuck it your entire miserable parasite life haven't you?

Anonymous ID: 23bc0a Dec. 1, 2018, 2:49 a.m. No.4099475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9563 >>9590 >>9607 >>9665

>>4098444 (PB)


To the Anon who posted the 4chinz Antarctica graphic I am reposting, it reminded me so much of an experience I had when I was 25, I felt compelled to tell my story, so INB4 TL;DR, & muh ayy lmao & muh slide & muh shill insults, you can read & take what you want from it or just fuck off, so fuck off to the assholes & thanks for reading for those who choose too, oh and suck shit, jews I know you'll hate it

6 minute read


The Blessed Virgin Mary came to me in a dream 32 years ago when I was depressed, drinking heavily & contemplating an hero. I swear the words you're about to read are true, & I believe in Intercession.


Firstly, there are no words in any earthly language to describe her beauty, it is beyond what your mind can grasp as well, abecause it is not earthly beauty, it is something totally different that I cannot find words to adequately describe.

In my dream, I was trapped in an under-ground-y looking place that had caved in on me, and a great wooden beam was across my chest, pinning me on my back against the floor, compressing me enough so that I could not move, I had 2 broken arms & intense pain in my back, but could breathe. It was almost totally dark in there, I could sense shadowy presences in there with me, but they would evade my gaze when I heard them scurry around & when I would look in their direction. I was starting to get frightened a bit when suddenly a hole started melting in the piles of icy looking debris & light & water started pouring in, to my great relief because I was really thirsty. However the water was inaccessible to me because it was not dripping anywhere near my head, & I could hear it flowing & gurgling away from me, although some of it was splashing around my feet & it was now making my legs wet & cold.

As the light got more intense, I lay there squinting, resolute in my fate that I would die of thirst there surrounded by & lying in water, but unable to drink any.

All of a sudden, I heard a angelic sounding female voice call my name- "Anon, I have come to save you, I know you are very thirsty. I have two pitchers of water, but you must choose which one to drink from, and into my view, from above & outside my prison, came the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. I was in awe, literally awestruck.

Her robes were exactly as the Church Statues depict her, but she was imbued with an aura of purity, of resplendent, unspoiled innocence, not quite a solid 3 dimensional figure, but rather an evanescence, or spirit as she moved toward the now quite large hole. She held out the 2 pitchers in front of her, one contained red liquid, and the other was blue. I indicated my choice was the blue liquid. She tipped the pitcher above the hole and the water flowed into my mouth, renewing my strength, and I noticed my pain was immediately gone and I could move my arms again. So with all my strength I arched my back and was able to roll out from under the beam, and stood up, turned to where she last was, however, she was gone.


I felt devastated and started sobbing & looking for a way to climb out of my situation. Then I heard her voice again, but strangely, it was coming from within me it seemed, which also did not seem strange at all, but very natural, and calming in a way. I found a path through the fallen timbers & debris, & a way to climb & exit the cavern and found myself in a beautiful meadow, with no visible source of light, but there was a light from everywhere, which I can only kind of describe as the light from the vegetation in the movie "Avatar".

I found a rock to sit on, and proceeded to have a lovely conversation with Our Blessed Virgin Mary, who was communicating telepathically from within me. I asked many questions which she answered in a way that a Mother would talk to a son. I woke up soon after, but for some reason forgot all the topics that we had spoken about, except for one. The best way to describe it is that it was similar to Matthew 6.26

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

It must have been because I expressed concerns to Her about my financial worries because the plant where I was working was rumored to have a large lay-off, & I was low seniority so I would have been affected.

That only memory from that fantastic experience has served me well ever since, it has reassured me that there is nothing to be gained by needless worry, Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?