Anonymous ID: 438f38 Dec. 1, 2018, 2:02 a.m. No.4099289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9314 >>9650

Jesus. Ok regarding the math of Comeys tweet vs Q post 2501,


Literal math got me nowhere. But there's definitely a game here.


So Comey is supposed to testify behind closed doors to the House. He's been asking for a televised hearing because Republicans always leak stuff or something. Said he'd "resist" the closed door hearing on the 22nd.


Q posts 2501 about declassifying stuff before vs after testimony on the 25th.


On the 27th Comey tweets he's consulting lawyers about the subpoena.


On the 29th he tweets the legal filing to get rid of the subpoena.


If he wins his motion on Monday, he doesn't testify at all. His claimed reasons are because Republicans are gonna leak stuff selectively to make him look bad out of context. House offered to publish his full testimony which seems to quash his concerns. He's continuing anyway, saying there's no reason for secrecy because no testimony will be sensitive information anyway. Sounds weasely.


With the offer to publish his testimony, his continued resistance doesn't add up very well. It's been suggested that he's pushing for a public hearing because then he can't speak about classified information but he's stated that there is no classified information in his answers. He hasn't been asked any questions yet so that seems to imply there are no classified aspects to anything they could possibly ask. Hmmm? Maybe fishing for information. Seeing if they'll signalwhat they want to talk about and point out that it's classified as fuck?


>nigga, this about SAPs!!


His last two tweets came after the Q drop about declassifying before or after testimony. And for whatever he's saying about transparency he's literally trying to not answer questions at all with his motion on Monday. So his actions are not aligned with his words.


So there are 2 variables here.

Qs declas before vs after.

Comeys public vs private testimony.

So 4 branches on the tree.


No declas


Comeys fighting against this. He's demanding public and claiming no classified information is relevant forcing them to admit it's classified on Monday to win their motion. He gets 24hr notice. Public hears nothing and it's Rs fault.


No declas


Comey wants this. They ask questions, he acts surprised that they involve classified shit. Oh dear he can't answer, sorry. Try again later. Public hears nothing. He looks like a Weasel but Rs look ineffective.




I believe Comeys argument prevents this scenario. If it's all declas, theres no legal justification for a private hearing. So he gets his public hearing. And he gets 24hr notice.




SHTF. Right? Comey slings mud at anyone involved. If it incriminates him, he'll be naming names to blame LL, BHO, whoever. This is what we want.


Whether Comeys a weasel or not, the game theory seems to say that his motion to gift the subpoena creates a stalemate that's bad for R optics regardless. Or he doesn't answer questions at all.


So Trump must declas. And he must do it on Monday.


If Comeys a weasel, he thinks they're trying to avoid a public shitshow enough to let him weasel out of any reasonable amount of truth. That they won't declas because of the public shitshow. His motion protects his image and prevents the public from knowing shit.


If he's a good guy, he wants to spill his guts and doesn't want any chance of them declassifying and keeping it hushed and controlling the narrative of whatever happened in the closed door hearing which actually would make any leaks someone else's fault. So it's a bold move. He wants his spotlight and his redemption.


It's good game theory from Comey. Extremely polarized outcomes forced by his motion. If it's all a show, we're getting Declas + Public and we'll know on Monday.