Anonymous ID: 015b4c Feb. 17, 2018, 10:24 a.m. No.410094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0104


Yes, this is exactly the kind of data we use to build the map. As I stated last bread >>409202

we are to take this kind of data and create a list of the perpetrators and plug it into the OPs numbers. Then we know who is going down in real time.

Anonymous ID: 015b4c Feb. 17, 2018, 10:25 a.m. No.410103   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Occult just means "hidden knowledge", not necessarily bad. In fact, it can be used for good as well as bad. Yes, the revealing of the "hidden knowledge" will give all of this a whole different perspective and take it to the next level. It explains everything that has happened. There is a reason ((they)) kept it all hidden away.

Anonymous ID: 015b4c Feb. 17, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.410195   🗄️.is 🔗kun






Let me be clear, that's why I stated it was not a conclusive list. I'm not an autist and I pop on and off of here. I have missed some digging. I did all of this based on intuition and rather hurriedly as I've been pressured for time.


The names I put on there are essentially filler until you guys put in what you think are the best candidates. The purpose of the posts was to explain the methodology of building the map. I plugged in names to demonstrate the methodology, not necessarily to say that the data was accurate. I leave it to you guys to fill in the names.

Anonymous ID: 015b4c Feb. 17, 2018, 10:53 a.m. No.410316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0383


In my current situation I don't get out much. I now have a new "library". :) BTW, not sure if you have this one - THE BLOODLINES. I stumbled on it while researching my own bloodline. It has some inaccuracies, but it is well researched and very comprehensive overall. The site gets taken down regularly, but it's worth capturing it. You can grab the PDF at this site http:// I tried to post it here, but I'm getting the message that the file type is not recognized.

Anonymous ID: 015b4c Feb. 17, 2018, 11:12 a.m. No.410489   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'd say that's a pretty accurate depiction of it all. I'd only make one change to what he said - evil aliens. I believe there are good ones, too, and they don't do these kinds of things.

Anonymous ID: 015b4c Feb. 17, 2018, 11:52 a.m. No.410808   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It is sickening. In many ways, I hated my father. Several years ago he got away from ((them)) and we patched things up again, but then ((they)) took control of him again. I don't complete excuse the things these minions have done, but I do know how hard it is to fight the control. I clipped a bit out of our email exchange for you below. The Truth is shocking.


XXXX it is blood line. It is not your magic but you are a manipulated tool of what was used by the gods to rule kings but is now used by the CIA, military, NSA and even corporations. Look up "gang stalking" . The magic is just entrainment, microwaves and scalar waves to turn people into robots. Two people of interest in the area are Dr John Hall (book Guinea pigs ) and Robert Duncan (Soul Catcher) , but there are a lot of videos in YouTube of victims. Tech since the 50's( Nazi, paperclip) much online and you can ferret it out. Remember you have no power, you are just an antenna to be used by others to be their robot. It you give them a chance they will train you like a dog mixing pain and pleasure using low frequency microwaves. With voice to scull tech they can read your mind place thoughts in you mind and have you say and do things that did not originate with you. Now the Toxemia Gondii is some thing else, I heard that people with adequate Iododine can over come the little buggers but also ginger ( I like to put a couple of slices of ginger in the pot when I make green tea) and turmeric are natural cures. You can buy Iodine solution at the pharmacy and place it on cuts or hang nails and it will absorb into the skin . You need to cut the iron out of your diet or you will go crazy. Your aunt XXXX got bat ass crazy and supposedly George 3rd who had porphyria did also. I heard that rice helps stop iron absorption. I make my own silver colloid and buy gold colloid. Go to hit on the DNA button pay $99 to do the DNA test and you can see my whole tree and build your mothers tree. You don't need to have the membership to see where your blood line comes from. The Porphyria may go back to Vlad the Impaler which is root line of much northern European monarchy. My line is Norman and Frankish. Love Dad