Anonymous ID: c1df46 Feb. 17, 2018, 10:18 a.m. No.410055   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0115 >>0169


>Re: Gannet/Tenga>SecureDrop>Clowns: from last bread


So can we redpill these folks somehow? Not tech oriented/secure here. Connecting dots to Secure Drop following lead of USAToday anon discovery.


Appears that Secure Drop "unwittingly" procures open source developer talent world wide. They seem to prey on young programming savvy millennials who think they are assisting cause of securing whistleblowing to journalists? Not sure if I'm seeing this right. Their development seems to be right out in the open for all to see.


Many of these folks also dox themselves with emails available with simple searching, but could be contacted with recent Q drops if anyone has secure rig to endeavor this. Talk about collapse from the inside out if these people got word that they are assisting the CIA against the very thing they are trying to prevent.


Crowdsourcing offer to developers with future work offer? Scrolling the convo back to Jan 1st shows twitter calls from Secure Drop to join the cause, as well as conferences and speeches "getting the world out" https: //


Development of SecureDrop with names/emails/faces right out in the open? https: //


"Unwitting" millennials thinking they are protecting whistleblowers with their investment in improving SecureDrop https: //

Anonymous ID: c1df46 Feb. 17, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.410174   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Which is, respectfully, my point. I'm focusing on notifying a young, jet setting naive crowd of the harm they are actually doing to the cause. In effect this could help destroy one tool of the CIA, as our warfare is to provide truth to the unknowing public. People already working, thinking they are helping against the Deep State cause, and finding the rabbit hole is deeper than they could imagine. A body of people notified, not much different in skill and commitment than the wonderful anons here. Time for the Great Awakening for the next generation to join the boomers who have long understood what has been going on.

Anonymous ID: c1df46 Feb. 17, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.410312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0357



Thank you for seeing it isn't a distraction. I am saying if you look at the links I provided, a different idea than those wanting to hack Secure Drop by injecting our own message into SecureDrop.


I am asking if anyone with a secure operation and tech knowledge to contact the folks who willingly gave up their faces and names and emails who "unwittingly" work on developing SecureDrop, and then watch them implode SecureDrop from the inside out when they get the info we have about it being a clown op. They will be as angry as we are and could be a new wave of brilliant folks to join our cause. The more motivated young energetic steeming mad anons to add to the bunch the merrier. Time for the kids to grow up from just being "woke". Welcome them to the Quniverse.

Anonymous ID: c1df46 Feb. 17, 2018, 11 a.m. No.410384   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Agree with the show part. This late in the game, I think we could bring some to our side. Regardless, popcorn is stocked to watch their sky fall…maybe into the water :)