She's looks very happy.
That is new.
She's give a chance. Speaker. Trump wanted her there.
Good news. Like to see her happy, from a mob family. Maybe that will be put behind her now.
Loyal to what?
"No honor among thieves'
When the money dries up they will stop
When the band stops playing [and getting paid]
the Party [dems] goes home.
Right, and here he guffawed [laughed] and choked on the words "deranged gunman" when trying to clear his reputation of the JKF murder suspicion.
"When a deranged gunman [burst out with a lsugh] shot President Kennedy."
Gave it away when hee told all the "conspiracy theorists" they could put it to rest since FORD [mason] was such and honest man [and now is dead and can't talk]