rewatched dmt trip vid:
>guy takes dmt & blasts off
>world around him digitises into minecraft blocks
>sees dome around our world
>sees big cross i.e. jesus cross
could b comey pic describing our reality
>sees through the dome, with big tv screen - where weird beings look at him going by
>beings stop & drill into his head, interact with him, dance etc.
>sees minator/moloch, shiva etc.
he says that maybe, our world is a:
Digital matrix.
Our 'Gods' r bullshit, used as a control system to buy into program of thinking, to keep us trapped.
Could be other realms that we could sync to.
So hazarding a guess, mayb we r all in a simulated reality, like neo in matrix, controlled by some sort of AI or entities we don't know of,
as some sort of resource or experiment.