Tracy Beanz is looking into it, so you can all relax now.
Tracy Beanz has said it should NOT be notable that stock exchange is closing, since they NORMALLY do close when a President dies.
I do have a thing for Kate, is she shekel collecting?
Being that this is considered a notable, maybe they should? You are looking like retards and I don't want to be associated with retards.
Should have thought this through, don't want to see her face.
it's a shape shifting TROLL
1/2 Mexican look at his wife standing behind him
first link does not appear correct for "US military light footprint Africa"
good reporter, just not woke, SAD
wikipedia should be good for you then
Bush suffered from vascular parkinsonism, a form of Parkinson's disease that had forced him to use a motorized scooter or wheelchair since at least 2012
That's who he works for.