Anonymous ID: 256984 Dec. 1, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.4103804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3815 >>3829 >>3940 >>4307 >>4463



Ambassador Ala: Syrian Government triumphed over terrorism thanks to popular solidarity

He noted that this war sought to counterfeit facts and distort the image of the Syrian state abroad through systematic misleading media and political campaigns to provoke the world public opinion against it through fabricating lies and holding international meetings as well as passing politicized and biased decisions against Syria at the United Nations under weak pretexts.

Ala pointed out that the United Nations and its European and regional allies have attempted to make use of the Human Rights Council to serve their policies against the Syrian government since 2011, clarifying that these states have adopted unilateral coercive measures on the Syrian people that are up to the level of economic blockade and massive punishment.


Syrian constitutional committee may be formed in near future - Kremlin

Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have discussed Syria in detail during the meeting on Saturday on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated, adding that there is hope of forming the Syrian constitutional committee in the near future.

"They have talked in detail about Syrian affairs," Peskov stressed. "They have said that the work on forming the constitutional committee on the outcomes of the recent Astana format meeting is still underway in the spirit of the talks of the Istanbul four," the spokesman noted.

"The work is underway, and there is reason for careful optimism that the Syrian constitutional committee will be formed in the foreseeable future, and that all the necessary representatives will be agreed on," Peskov stated.


Army Uncovers Loads Of Ammunition, Including TOW Missiles, In Southern Syria

The weapons caches contained four US-made TOW anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs), several rounds of the Czechoslovakian-made RPG-75 anti-tank weapon, dozens of Bulgarian-made RPG-7 rocket-propelled grenades, machine guns and more than 100,000 bullets of different calibers.


Syrian Democratic Forces Claim They Repelled New ISIS Attack In Deir Ezzor Province

SAME STORY as last 4 months. One attacks one repels goes nowhere, BS.

Heavy clashes broke out between our fighters and ISIS terrorists … various types of weapons including car bombs were used. However, our fighters forced them [terrorists] to withdraw,” the SDF media center said in a press release.


Syrian Military Deploys 5th Assault Corps And Republican Guard Troops East Of Idlib

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) deployed additional units of the 5th Assault Corps and the Republican Guard in several positions around the northern city of Aleppo during the last few days, several Syrian pro-government sources reported on December 1.

A video released by pro-government activists shows a convoy of the SAA consisting of several T-72 battle tanks and BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) heading towards advanced positions west of Aleppo.



Anonymous ID: 256984 Dec. 1, 2018, 11 a.m. No.4103815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3829 >>4307 >>4463



Prominent Syrian Opposition Figure Reveals “International Agreement” To Eliminate HTS In Idlib

On November 30, Khalid al-Mahamid, a prominent figure of the Syrian opposition, revealed that there is “an international agreement” to eliminate Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) [the former branch of al-Qaeda] and its allies in the northern Syrian governorate of Syria. According to al-Mahamid’s claims, even the U.S. is a part of the agreement, which was organized by Russia.

“They [HTS militants] pose a threat to everyone today, these monsters are controlling 3,5 million Syrians … We should get rid of them,” al-Mahamid said during an interview with the al-Arabiya al-Hadath TV.

Al-Mahamid didn’t reveal any details of the alleged agreement. However, he called on the remaining moderate opposition fighters in Idlib to separate themselves from HTS as fast as possible. The opposition leader also acknowledged that the Free Syrian Army (FSA) can’t defeat HTS on its own.

“Without a regional force, including Russia and the FSA factions, we can’t get rid of this plague [HTS] … Once al-Nusra [old name of HTS] and ISIS are eliminated, the political solution will begin in Syria,” said al-Mahamid.



Brief Look At Military Situation In Syria On December 1, 2018 (Map Update)


Turkey's Erdogan tells Putin he wants new summit on Syria's Idlib

Erdogan made the suggestion during a meeting with Putin on the sidelines of the G20 summit.

The Syrian government’s ally Russia, and Turkey, which backs Syrian rebels, agreed in September to create a demilitarized zone around the insurgent-held northwestern enclave of Idlib. But exchanges of shelling have been common since then and the first air strikes since the deal hit the area on Nov. 25.



Anonymous ID: 256984 Dec. 1, 2018, 11:02 a.m. No.4103834   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Michael Cohen Asks Judge For No Prison Time, Citing Extensive Cooperation In Mueller Probe


Michael Cohen is asking a judge to sentence him to time-served in his various cases before the special counsel and federal prosecutors in Manhattan.

The former Trump lawyer argues his extensive cooperation with special counsel Robert Mueller warrants a light sentence.

In a court filing submitted Friday, Cohen’s lawyers reveal new details about his cooperation with Mueller.


Lawyers for Michael Cohen on Friday argued the former Trump attorney should not face jail time, citing his extensive cooperation with the special counsel’s office and federal prosecutors in Manhattan.


Cohen’s attorneys argued in a late-night court filing the longtime Trump booster lied to Congress in order to remain consistent with his former boss’s downplaying of contacts with Russia during the campaign. They also asserted Cohen orchestrated illegal campaign contributions in the form of payments to alleged Trump mistresses in order to protect the former real estate mogul.


The thrust of Cohen’s argument for leniency is his extensive cooperation in the “unique” circumstances in which the special counsel’s investigation is operating.


Cohen’s lawyers, Guy Petrillo and Amy Lester, asserted Cohen’s cooperation helped legitimize an investigation that is under constant attack by Trump. They also argue Cohen is cooperating even though Trump reportedly suggested in private he is willing to pardon associates ensnared in the special counsel’s probe.


“He could have fought the government and continued to hold to the party line, positioning himself perhaps for a pardon or clemency, but, instead — for himself, his family, and his country — he took personal responsibility for his own wrongdoing and contributed, and is prepared to continue to contribute, to an investigation that he views as thoroughly legitimate and vital,” asserted Cohen’s lawyers, Guy Petrillo and Amy Lester.


Trump responded to Cohen’s plea deal Thursday, calling his former lawyer a “weak person” who is angling for a light jail sentence.


“He’s lying about a project that everybody knew about,” Trump told reporters.


Cohen pleaded guilty in the special counsel’s investigation Thursday to one charge of lying to Congress about the extent of his work to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. He pleaded guilty Aug. 21 in an investigation in New York to tax evasion and making illegal campaign contributions. Cohen made the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels, the porn star who claims she had an affair with Trump in 2006.


Petrillo and Lester argued Cohen’s tax evasion was unsophisticated. They listed several celebrities in Friday’s filing who they claim avoided paying taxes in the same manner as Cohen who avoided jail time.

Anonymous ID: 256984 Dec. 1, 2018, 11:03 a.m. No.4103847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3936 >>4307 >>4463

North Carolina voter fraud claims place House race in limbo for Republican Mark Harris


North Carolina’s board of elections has called for a public hearing to investigate allegations of voter fraud and irregularities instead of certifying Republican Mark Harris’ apparent win a House race, Reuters news reported.


Harris had 905 votes more than Democrat Dan McCready in the Nov. 6 election. But hundreds of mail-in absentee ballots from a rural county are being questioned, the elections board announced Friday on Twitter.

Why is this happening?


Joshua Malcolm, vice chairman of the board of elections, said in a recorded session Friday that the hearing will consider the “claims of numerous irregularities and concerted fraudulent activities related to absentee mail ballots,” The board voted 7-2 to have the hearing.


It’s the second time in as many years that the board has investigated allegations of voter fraud in Bladen County. In 2016, the allegations were ultimately dismissed.


Harris said in a statement that there are not enough ballots in question to impact the outcome of the race. He called on the board to immediately name him as the victor as the investigation continues. The outcome of this race has no impact on the balance of the new Congress in January. Democrats already have enough seats to control the House, and Republicans will still hold a Senate majority.


Harris was on Capitol Hill Friday for its “freshman orientation,” Reuters reported. He “participated in the office lottery and selected a space in the House office buildings,” the report states.


The board of elections will be examining accusations that people came to the doors of Bladen County voters prior to the election to ask them to hand over ballots, which were sometimes “unsealed and uncompleted.” It is illegal to fill out or destroy another person’s ballot. Also under review will be the high numbers of absentee ballots cast in Bladen County for both the general election and the May 8 primary, in saw Harris defeat Republican incumbent congressman Robert Pittenger, according to the report.

Anything else?


The hearing is expected to be held before Dec. 21.


The North Carolina Democratic Party believes there is enough evidence of fraud to call into question the fairness of the election.


“We applaud the board’s bipartisan decision to delay certification and fully investigate the concerning allegations,” Democratic state chairman Wayne Goodwin said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: 256984 Dec. 1, 2018, 11:05 a.m. No.4103873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4343

Christian missionaries from Finland ‘tortured’ in Muslim prison for handing out ‘Jesus is the way’ pens


Four Finnish Christian missionaries were arrested by Malaysian police for preaching the Christian faith in violation of the country’s Muslim anti-missionary laws.


After their release and return home, they spoke to the newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet about their eight-day prison stint.


One of the four prisoners, member of the nationalist Finns party and former campaign manager, Timo Valtonen tells Hufvudstadsbladet: “God heard our prayers, that’s why we were released.”


Valtonen explained the they were in their hotel room when the police arrested them and brought them to one of Malaysia’s most notorious prisons, during which time the four Finns were tortured by Malaysian officials.


With a more than 60 per cent Muslim population and 20 per cent Buddhist there is less than 10 per cent that identify as Christian.


Mr. Valtonen told Hufvudstadsbladet that they weren’t aware of Malaysia’s ‘harsh laws’: “All we did was share pens with the text “Jesus is the way, the truth and the life” [John 14]. I did not understand that this was illegal”.


“We were tortured in prison. We weren’t given enough to drink, suffered from dehydration, and had to sleep on a hard cement floor riddled with cockroaches”, Timo recounted. “At night, we heard screams from other prisoners who were beaten with bamboo poles”, he said.


According to Finn MP Mika Niikko told the paper that Finnish diplomats had to wait six days before being allowed to visit the prisoners, the prisoners were denied contact with their embassy. Mika called this “unacceptable”.

Anonymous ID: 256984 Dec. 1, 2018, 11:08 a.m. No.4103894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3915 >>3931 >>4463

U.S. Military Says It Has a “Light Footprint” in Africa. These Documents Show a Vast Network of Bases.


The U.S. military has long insisted that it maintains a “light footprint” in Africa, and there have been reports of proposed drawdowns in special operations forces and closures of outposts on the continent, due to a 2017 ambush in Niger and an increasing focus on rivals like China and Russia. But through it all, U.S. Africa Command has fallen short of providing concrete information about its bases on the continent, leaving in question the true scope of the American presence there.


Documents obtained from AFRICOM by The Intercept, via the Freedom of Information Act, however, offer a unique window onto the sprawling network of U.S. military outposts in Africa, including previously undisclosed or unconfirmed sites in hotspots like Libya, Niger, and Somalia. The Pentagon has also told The Intercept that troop reductions in Africa will be modest and phased-in over several years and that no outposts are expected to close as a result of the personnel cuts.


According to a 2018 briefing by AFRICOM science adviser Peter E. Teil, the military’s constellation of bases includes 34 sites scattered across the continent, with high concentrations in the north and west as well as the Horn of Africa. These regions, not surprisingly, have also seen numerous U.S. drone attacks and low-profile commando raids in recent years. For example, Libya — the site of drone and commando missions but for which President Trump said he saw no U.S. military role just last year — is nonetheless home to three previously undisclosed outposts.


“U.S. Africa Command’s posture plan is designed to secure strategic access to key locations on a continent characterized by vast distances and limited infrastructure,” Gen. Thomas Waldhauser, the AFRICOM commander, told the House Armed Services Committee earlier this year, though he didn’t provide specifics on the number of bases. “Our posture network allows forward staging of forces to provide operational flexibility and timely response to crises involving U. S. personnel or interests without creating the optic that U. S. Africa Command is militarizing Africa.”


According to Adam Moore, an assistant professor of geography at the University of California in Los Angeles and an expert on the U.S. military’s presence in Africa, “It is getting harder for the U.S. military to plausibly claim that it has a ‘light footprint’ in Africa. In just the past five years, it has established what is perhaps the largest drone complex in the world in Djibouti — Chabelley — which is involved in wars on two continents, Yemen and Somalia.” Moore also noted that the U.S. is building an even larger drone base in Agadez, Niger. “Certainly, for people living in Somalia, Niger and Djibouti, the notion that the U.S. is not militarizing their countries rings false,” he added.

