>>4101405 (prev)
I stopped by my favorite D.C. hotel bar around closing time one night back in the early 90s to pick up my bartendress friend. There was one dude left at the bar and my friend introduced us. After a bit he says "You don't recognize me, do you?". I said "No. Sorry. Should I?" Now he turns to me and asks sorta like I was pranking him, "You've never seen the movie "Raising Arizona"?? I said "Nope. Sorry." He just shook his head and turned back to his drink. He takes a sip and says "I played one of the convicts. The smaller one".
I later found out that he, Bill Forsythe, was in town shooting an episode of "The Untouchables" in which he played "Al Capone". I eventually saw "Raising Arizona" (and every other Cohen Bros. movie…Twice…"Miller's Crossing" a half-dozen or more times). I also just watched the gem "Once Upon a Time in America" on netflaxs where Forsythe plays the gangster "Cock-Eye" along with our guy James Woods as "Max" which Woods says was his favorite character/movie.
I still kick myself in the ass for not offering Forsythe a drink and shooting the shizzle. But then again, he was hoping to get lucky with my gal.